The Omlet Blog Category Archives: Cats

7 commonly asked questions about cats

Cats are fascinating creatures, full of quirks that often leave us scratching our heads and wondering what’s going on in those furry little minds. Whether you’re a seasoned cat owner or new to the feline world, it’s natural to have questions about their behaviour. From the mysterious purr to their love of high places, cats exhibit behaviours that spark curiosity. Let’s dive into seven commonly asked questions about cats and explore the unique traits that make them such intriguing companions.

cat playing with the Omlet Switch cat scratcher

1) Do cats have nine lives?

The myth that cats have nine lives has been around for centuries, and while we know it’s not literally true, there’s no denying that cats have a remarkable ability to escape danger and survive harrowing situations. This legend likely originated from cats’ incredible agility and seemingly uncanny ability to land on their feet from great heights. Their flexible spine and keen sense of balance give them a better chance at survival in risky situations, making it seem like they possess extra lives.

However, it’s important to remember that cats are just as mortal as any other living creature. While they might give the impression of being invincible, they are still vulnerable to injuries and illnesses. Providing proper care, regular vet check-ups, and a safe environment is crucial to ensuring your cat lives a long, healthy life, even if they only have one life to live.

2) Why do cats like lasers?

If you’ve ever watched a cat chase a laser pointer, you’ve likely seen them go wild with excitement. But why are cats so captivated by that elusive red dot? The answer lies in their natural hunting instincts. Cats are predators by nature, and the quick, erratic movement of a laser mimics the behaviour of prey. This triggers their instinct to chase, pounce, and capture the “prey,” even though they can’t physically catch the laser beam.

Looking to elevate your cat’s laser chasing game? Why not give them their love of lasers coupled with their love of scratching with the Switch Cat Scratching Post, designed by Omlet. This ingenious product blends the best of both worlds for cats and creates magic with integrated LEDs in the post that allow you and your cat to explore hours of fun. 

3) Why do cats dislike water?

Most cats are known for their aversion to water, and this behaviour often puzzles cat owners. The primary reason cats dislike water is due to their grooming habits. Cats spend a significant amount of time grooming themselves to keep their fur clean and free of oils. When their fur becomes wet, it can feel heavy and uncomfortable, making it harder for them to stay warm and dry quickly.

Another factor could be their evolutionary history. Unlike big cats like tigers, who are excellent swimmers, domestic cats’ ancestors lived in dry, arid environments where water was scarce. As a result, they didn’t develop the same affinity for water as other animals. While there are exceptions, with some cats actually enjoying the occasional bath, most would prefer to stay dry and cozy.

4) Why do cats purr?

The gentle sound of a cat purring is often associated with contentment, but there’s more to this soothing noise than meets the ear. Cats purr for various reasons, and while it’s commonly believed to be a sign of happiness, cats also purr when they are frightened, injured, or even in labour. This suggests that purring could be a way for cats to comfort themselves or communicate with others.

Interestingly, the frequency of a cat’s purr (between 25 and 150 Hertz) has been shown to have healing properties, potentially helping to relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote healing in their bodies. So, the next time your cat curls up and starts to purr, it could be their way of telling you they’re happy, but also that they’re taking care of themselves in ways we’re only just beginning to understand.

5) Why do cats knead with their paws?

Kneading is a behaviour that many cat owners find both adorable and curious. When a cat rhythmically presses its paws into a soft surface, it’s known as kneading, or “making biscuits.” This behaviour is thought to originate from kittenhood when kittens knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. It’s a comforting action that often continues into adulthood, serving as a sign of contentment and security.

Cats may knead on soft cat blankets, your lap, or even their comfy cat bed. While kneading is generally a sign of happiness, it can also be a way for cats to mark their territory. Cats have scent glands in their paws, so when they knead, they’re leaving their scent behind, claiming their favourite spot as their own. So, if your cat starts kneading on you, take it as a compliment—they’re marking you as part of their territory.

6) Why do cats like to climb?

Cats have a natural instinct to climb, which stems from their ancestors’ need to escape predators and hunt prey. Climbing gives cats a higher vantage point, allowing them to survey their surroundings and feel secure. In the wild, big cats often climb trees to spot prey or avoid threats, and our domestic cats carry this instinct with them.

In your home, this translates to cats seeking out high places like shelves, window sills, or even the top of your refrigerator. Providing vertical spaces, like cat trees or wall-mounted shelves, can help satisfy this natural behaviour and keep your cat happy and mentally stimulated. Plus, it gives them a safe place to retreat to when they need a little alone time.

7) Why do cats like catnip?

Catnip is famous for driving cats into a frenzy of excitement, but not all cats react to it. The response to catnip is hereditary, with about 50-70% of cats being affected by it. The active compound in catnip, nepetalactone, binds to receptors in a cat’s nose, triggering a burst of playful energy. The effects typically last about 10-15 minutes, after which the cat may lose interest until the scent fades, and they can be affected again.

Interestingly, the reaction to catnip is not universal—some cats may roll around, purr, or become hyperactive, while others might simply relax and enjoy a calm state of bliss. It’s worth noting that kittens and senior cats are often less responsive to catnip. If your cat does enjoy it, catnip can be a fun and harmless way to encourage play and enrich their environment.

Omlet and your cat

Cats are full of mystery and charm, with behaviours that never cease to amaze us. Understanding these common questions about your feline friend can help you build a deeper connection and provide a more enriching environment for them. At Omlet, we’re dedicated to celebrating the unique bond between pets and their people, offering products designed to cater to every aspect of your cat’s life. From cosy cat beds to innovative cat trees, our products help answer all of your cat’s questions in a way that you both will love.

Woman and child playing with cats on the Omlet Freestyle Cat Tree

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Fun things to do with your cat

Cats are not just pets; they are cherished members of our families, providing us with companionship, comfort, and endless entertainment. But beyond being cuddly creatures who laze in the sun, cats are intelligent and curious beings who thrive on mental and physical stimulation. Engaging in enriching activities with your cat not only keeps them happy and healthy but also strengthens the bond between you. Here are six fun and enriching activities you can enjoy with your feline friend.

Cat climbing the Omlet Switch cat scratcher

Watch Cat TV together

What better way to bond with your cat than by indulging in some quality screen time together? Yes, screen time. There are several ways to create a “Cat TV” without actually sitting in front of the television. Whether it’s a mesmerizing fish tank, an ocean screensaver, or a dedicated cat app filled with fluttering birds and scampering critters, you and your cat can snuggle up to enjoy some sights and sounds together. 

Cats are natural hunters, and these virtual scenes stimulate their predatory instincts, providing both mental and visual stimulation. As you watch together, observe your cat’s reactions – the flick of their tail, the twitch of their ears – and revel in the shared experience. It’s a simple yet effective way to connect with your cat on a primal level, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for their natural instincts.

To enhance the experience, consider introducing interactive elements. Fun cat toys dangled in front of the fish tank or cat treats strategically sprinkled around the viewing area encourage your cat to engage both mentally and physically. And why not join in the fun yourself? Mimic the movements of the creatures on screen or engage in a playful dialogue with your cat about the on-screen action. Before you know it, you’ll find yourselves immersed in a shared world of excitement and wonder, deepening your bond together.

Puzzle feeder and treat dispensers

Mealtime doesn’t have to be just about filling your cat’s bowl with kibble. Introduce some excitement and mental stimulation by investing in puzzle feeders and treat dispensers. These interactive feeding tools require your cat to work for their food, engaging their problem-solving skills and providing a fun challenge. Whether it’s rolling a ball to release treats or navigating through a maze to reach their meal, puzzle feeders turn mealtime into a rewarding and enriching experience. Plus, it helps prevent boredom and overeating, keeping your cat mentally and physically stimulated.

But how can you enjoy this activity with your cat? Start by choosing a puzzle feeder or treat dispenser that suits your cat’s size and skill level. Then, hide the dispenser behind furniture or under their plush cat blanket to add an extra layer of intrigue. You can even incorporate it into a mini obstacle course for an extra dose of excitement. And don’t forget to switch things up regularly to keep your pet’s interest piqued. With a bit of imagination and a whole lot of treats, puzzle feeders and treat dispensers can turn ordinary mealtimes into unforgettable adventures for you and your furry companion.

Create an indoor kitty playground

Transform your home into a feline paradise by creating an indoor playground. Cats love to explore and climb, and providing them with a variety of textures and heights to navigate keeps them entertained and engaged. 

Set up a cardboard fortress for them to conquer, drape blankets over furniture to create cozy hiding spots, and scatter toys throughout the space for added excitement. Not only does this encourage physical activity and mental stimulation, but it also strengthens the bond between you as you play and explore together.

If DIY isn’t your style or you want to add more sophistication to your cat’s playground, consider investing in a cat climbing tree. The customizable options from Omlet offer a variety of indoor playground setups that cater to all kinds of feline preferences, from adventurous climbers to laid-back loungers. The modular designs of the Freestyle cat tree let you mix and match components, ensuring a perfect fit for your home and your cat’s needs. Whether it’s a stylish cat tree, an interactive play tunnel, or a combination of both, Omlet’s playgrounds are designed to provide endless fun and stimulation.

Clicker training

Think dogs are the only ones who can learn tricks? Think again. Cats are incredibly intelligent animals capable of learning a variety of behaviours through positive reinforcement training, using a clicker as a marker for desired actions. Whether it’s sitting, shaking paws, or jumping through hoops, clicker training provides mental stimulation and strengthens the bond between you and your cat through shared learning experiences. Plus, it’s a fun way to challenge your cat’s cognitive abilities and teach them new skills while reinforcing positive behaviours.

Getting started with clicker training is simple and rewarding. Begin by ‘charging’ the clicker: click it, then immediately give your cat a treat, repeating this several times until they associate the sound with something positive. Once your cat is tuned into the clicker, you can start shaping behaviours. For instance, if you want to teach your cat to sit, wait for them to naturally sit down, click the moment their bottom touches the ground, and reward them. Gradually, your cat will learn to associate the action with the click and the reward. The best part? Training sessions are brief, keeping your cat’s attention without overwhelming them, making it a perfect daily activity to stimulate their mind and keep them happy.

Plant a feline friendly garden

Bring the outdoors inside by creating a cat-friendly garden filled with safe, non-toxic plants for your feline friend to explore. Catnip, wheatgrass, and spider plants are just a few examples of plants that cats love and are safe for them to nibble on. Not only does this provide your cat with sensory enrichment and mental stimulation, but it also brings a touch of nature into your home, creating a calming and relaxing environment for both of you to enjoy. 

Creating your indoor garden is simple and can be done with a few basic supplies. Start with some small pots or a window box, fill them with organic soil, and plant seeds or seedlings of cat-friendly greens. Make sure to include a variety of textures and heights to keep your cat intrigued. As the plants grow, your cat will enjoy nibbling on the fresh greens, which are not only safe but beneficial for their digestion. Plus, nurturing these plants can be a soothing and rewarding hobby for you, making it a delightful project that enriches both your lives.

One-on-one interactive play session

Nothing beats good old-fashioned playtime when it comes to bonding with your cat. So set aside dedicated time each day for one-on-one interactive play sessions, using toys such as feather wands, laser pointers, and interactive catnip toys to engage your cat’s natural instincts. Get down on their level and let them chase, pounce, and stalk to their heart’s content. Not only does this provide physical exercise and mental stimulation, but it also strengthens the bond between you as you share moments of joy and laughter together.

Rotate toys regularly to keep things fresh and exciting. Incorporate a mix of high-energy play, like chasing and jumping, with quieter activities, such as puzzle feeders or hiding treats around the house for them to find. This variety not only keeps your cat engaged but also allows you to spend quality time together in different ways, building a deeper connection. Remember, it’s not just about the play—it’s about the joy and love shared in those moments.

Omlet and your cat

At Omlet, we understand the importance of nurturing the bond between pets and their owners. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating innovative products that enhance the lives of both you and your cat, fostering meaningful connections and enriching experiences. From customisable indoor cat trees to cosy cat beds, we celebrate the wondrous connections between humans and their feline companions, helping you create memories that last a lifetime. So why wait? Start exploring the world of Omlet today and discover how you can elevate your bond with your beloved cat.

Cats climbing the Omlet Freestyle indoor cat tree

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Indoor cats and outdoor play

When it comes to domesticated felines, the great debate between indoor and outdoor living is decades long. While keeping cats indoors is often deemed safer due to various hazards lurking outside, many cat owners ponder how to provide their beloved companions with the enriching experience of outdoor exploration without exposing them to potential dangers. This conundrum prompts a closer look at the benefits of outdoor play for indoor cats and the innovative solutions available to ensure their safety and enjoyment.

Two cats on Freestyle in Omlet Catio

Benefits of outdoor play for indoor cats

Indoor cats, though content within the confines of their homes, can greatly benefit from occasional ventures into the great outdoors. Outdoor play satisfies a cat’s innate curiosity and desire for stimulation. The sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world offer a sensory feast for felines, enriching their lives and preventing boredom. 

Moreover, outdoor exploration encourages physical activity, aiding in weight management and promoting overall health and well-being. By engaging in activities such as climbing, chasing, and hunting (albeit in a controlled environment), indoor cats can fulfil their natural instincts and expend pent-up energy. After all, a tired cat is less likely to be bored, and so less likely to use your furnishings as an outlet for unspent energy. 

Safety options and tips

So, you want to let your cat explore the great outdoors, but you’re worried they may get hurt. Concerns about the safety of outdoor excursions for cats are valid. But with careful planning and the right equipment, owners can provide their feline friends with a safe and secure outdoor environment. 

  • Tip #1: One of the safest ways to allow indoor cats to experience the outdoors is through the use of specially designed enclosures, such as catios. These enclosed outdoor spaces offer a controlled environment where cats can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature without being exposed to potential hazards like traffic or predators.


  • Tip #2: Always use preventative medications for fleas and ticks when planning to take your indoor cat outdoors. By ensuring your cat is current on their vaccinations, you can feel confident knowing that they can explore the outdoors and stay healthy.


  • Tip #3: Avoid placing your cat enclosure in an area that has been sprayed with harmful pesticides or contains toxic plants for cats

Outdoor solutions by Omlet

When it comes to creating safe and stimulating outdoor environments for indoor cats, Omlet leads the way with its innovative products designed to enhance the feline experience. 

The Catio

The Catio outdoor cat enclosure is a prime example of Omlet’s commitment to feline welfare and owner satisfaction. This spacious enclosure provides ample room for cats to roam, climb, and relax in a protected outdoor environment. With its durable construction and customizable design options, the Catio offers a secure and stylish solution for cat owners seeking to enrich their pets’ lives.

Freestyle outdoor cat tree

Designed to work inside your Catio, Omlet’s Freestyle Outdoor Cat Tree is a versatile outdoor activity centre that allows cats to indulge their natural climbing instincts in a safe and controlled manner. With multiple platforms, scratching posts, and hideaways, this innovative structure provides endless entertainment for cats while promoting exercise and mental stimulation.

Catio tunnels

For cat owners looking to seamlessly integrate indoor and outdoor spaces, Omlet’s Catio tunnels offer a convenient solution. These specially designed tunnels connect the Catio to your home, allowing cats to move freely between indoor and outdoor environments while remaining safely enclosed. With their durable construction and easy installation, Catio tunnels provide peace of mind for owners and independence for cats, fostering a deeper connection between your pet and their surroundings.

Omlet and your cat

At Omlet, the relationship between pets and their owners is at the heart of everything we do. By asking the right questions and understanding our furry friends from a pet perspective, we strive to create products that enhance the bond between people and their pets. From innovative outdoor cat enclosures to interactive cat climbing trees and convenient tunnel systems, Omlet empowers cat owners to provide their indoor companions with enriching outdoor experiences while prioritizing safety and security, for calmer, more contented cats who’ll enjoy those cuddles on the couch all the more. 

Cat in hammock on Freestyle in Omlet Catio


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An easy guide to understanding cat behaviour

Welcome to the fascinating world of feline behaviour. Cats, with their mysterious ways and charming personalities, have intrigued humans for centuries. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the enlightening journey to decipher the language of our beloved feline companions. From decoding their body language to understanding their various moods and behaviours, this guide aims to provide valuable insights into the inner workings of your cat’s mind. By gaining a deeper understanding of why cats behave the way they do, you’ll be better equipped to foster a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your furry friend.

Cat sitting on top of the Omlet Switch cat scratcher

Learning to read cat language

One of the keys to learning your cat’s language lies in interpreting their body language. Cats communicate a wealth of information through subtle cues such as ear position, tail movements, and facial expressions. Understanding a cat’s body language is like deciphering a mysterious code, but once you crack it, you’ll find yourself fluent in feline. 

Cat tail

Let’s start with the cat tail—it’s like their personal communication system. A straight-up tail signals confidence and a friendly greeting, while a swishing tail might indicate agitation or playful anticipation. If the tail puffs up like a bottle brush, watch out—your kitty might be feeling threatened or startled. 

Cat ears

All cats like a good scratch behind the ears but did you know their ears are another window into a cat’s mood? Forward-facing ears mean your cat is curious or engaged in what they are sensing. However, flattened ears are a signal of fear or aggression. 

Cat eyes

Don’t forget to keep watch of these eye blinks too. Slow blinks are the feline equivalent of a love letter, showing trust and contentment. Whereas long, focused stares indicate they are honed in on something important. By paying close attention to these signals, we can gain valuable insights into our cat’s emotional state and respond accordingly.

But why do cats behave this way? Much of feline body language can be traced back to their evolutionary history as solitary hunters. In the wild, cats rely on their ability to communicate effectively with other cats to establish boundaries, express dominance, and signal readiness to interact or defend themselves. Understanding these innate behaviours can help us better navigate our interactions with our domesticated feline friends and build trust and rapport over time.

Understanding cat moods

Understanding a cat’s mood goes beyond just observing its body language; it’s about tuning into the subtle cues that reveal their inner emotional states. Cats are complex creatures, and decoding their moods requires a keen eye and a bit of intuition. By familiarizing ourselves with the various moods and behaviours displayed by cats, we can better understand their needs and provide appropriate care and support.

One telltale sign of a content cat is the rhythmic swishing of its tail, accompanied by relaxed ears and half-closed eyes. In this state, your feline friend is likely feeling calm and comfortable, basking in the warmth of your companionship. On the flip side, if you notice your cat’s tail twitching rapidly or its ears flattened against its head, it might be feeling agitated or anxious. Understanding these signals allows you to adjust your approach and provide the appropriate support, whether it’s giving them space or offering reassuring pets.

But what causes these shifts in mood? A cat’s mood can be influenced by various factors, including their environment, routine, and social interactions. Changes in behaviour, such as excessive grooming or withdrawal, could signal underlying stress or discomfort. It’s essential to pay attention to these subtle shifts and address any potential triggers to ensure your cat’s well-being. 

Additionally, providing enrichment activities and opportunities for play can help alleviate boredom and prevent negative emotions from festering. By fostering a supportive and stimulating environment, you can cultivate a strong bond with your cat and better understand their unique personality quirks. After all, just like us, cats experience a range of emotions, and by tuning into their subtle cues, we can ensure they lead happy and fulfilling lives by our side.

Different cat breeds, different behaviour

Just like people, cats have their own unique personalities and ways of expressing themselves, often through subtle yet distinct body language cues. Different cat breeds may showcase varying behaviours and moods, adding a fascinating layer to their already enigmatic charm. 

Take the Siamese, for example. Known for their vocal nature, these cats aren’t shy about expressing their feelings through meows and yowls. When a siamese is feeling content, they might purr melodically while rubbing against your legs affectionately. However, when they’re upset or feeling ignored, they’ll make their discontent known with loud vocalizations and perhaps even a stern stare.

On the flip side, the majestic Maine Coon tends to display a more laid-back demeanour. With their bushy tails held high and ears perked up, these gentle giants exude confidence and tranquillity. Yet, when a Maine Coon is feeling playful, their body language transforms into a lively dance of pouncing and chasing toys with gusto. 

Contrastingly, the sleek and elegant Abyssinian carries themselves with an air of curiosity and intelligence. Their wide-eyed gaze and agile movements reveal a cat constantly on the lookout for adventure and stimulation. Whether they’re gracefully leaping onto high perches or engaging in a game of fetch, Abyssinians embody a spirited energy that’s as captivating as it is endearing. 

In essence, understanding these subtle nuances of body language among different cat breeds adds depth to our bond with these fascinating felines.

You and your cat’s language

When you’re in sync with your cat’s body language, it’s like having a direct line to their innermost thoughts and emotions. This newfound understanding fosters a sense of trust and mutual respect between you and your furry companion. You’ll find yourself sharing inside jokes with your cat through playful interactions and knowing glances. Plus, being able to recognise when your cat is feeling happy, anxious, or in need of some alone time allows you to tailor your interactions accordingly, ensuring that they feel loved and cared for at all times. So, next time your cat gives you that knowing look or curls up beside you with a contented purr, remember, it’s all part of the beautiful dance of feline communication that deepens the bond between you both.

Omlet and your cat

Understanding cat behaviour is an ongoing journey that requires patience, observation, and empathy. By taking the time to learn and understand the unique language of your feline friend, you can forge a deeper and more meaningful connection that enriches both your lives. At Omlet, we are committed to fostering understanding and appreciation for the wondrous connections between pets and their people. Through our innovative products like the customizable Freestyle Indoor Cat Tree or the unique designs of the Maya Donut Cat Beds, we strive to empower pet owners to create lasting bonds with their furry companions. Together, let’s celebrate the magic of the pet-person bond and continue to explore the fascinating world of animal behaviour.

Man with cat on the Indoor Freestyle cat tree

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Can Catio Tunnels open up an indoor cat’s world?

At Omlet, we’re always asking how we can design better products that bring people and their cats closer. We believe that by understanding our cats’ natural needs and behaviours, we can invent new ways to enrich their lives and build a sense of security and fulfilment that leads to a stronger connection with their humans. 

Our Catio Tunnels let your cat go from A to B independently, which suits their capricious natures, and means you no longer need to be at their beck and call for to and from Catio ferrying. An evolution of the thinking that led to our Catio and Outdoor Freestyle cat tree, they are designed so indoor cats can enjoy all the excitement of the outdoors safely, without compromising local wildlife that might otherwise fall prey to their apex predator instincts. 

Cat walking through the Omlet Catio Tunnels


There are various reasons you may choose to keep your cat indoors. Some breeds are simply better suited to a quieter life and are too docile to go out unsupervised. Local conservation regulations can also be a big factor. Cats are apex predators, and not necessarily native to the ecosystem, despite being a globally popular pet. Small mammals and reptiles that have evolved without cats in their territory may not be equipped to deal with the threat they pose, which can lead to curfews for cats and strictures on free roaming. Then, there is the ubiquitous threat of traffic. For many cat lovers, the risk of passing cars is simply too great to be left to chance.


However, cats love to leap and climb, to feel the sun on their face and the breeze in their fur. They are curious and independent, and aren’t suited to life on a leash, or responsive to recall, like dogs are. With a Catio and an Outdoor Freestyle cat tree, your indoor cat can enjoy the benefits of the outdoors without the worry that comes with it – but there is still the restriction of going to and from the house and their Catio. So, we designed our Catio Tunnels, for all the joys of the outside, with the independence to take their fun and fulfillment to a new level. 


One of our core beliefs is that our designs should suit as many cats and people as possible, so every indoor cat can go outside safely. Another of our values is to put sustainability and longevity at the center of all of our designs. One of our solutions to both of these challenges is to create modular systems that can easily be adapted, extended and maintained with minimal cost and effort. 

“It’s about being able to easily and cost effectively replace parts if and when you need to. Planned obsolescence – which is when companies design products with a set lifespan and capitalize on that – has caused a scandal. So for example, a product might be designed so that if one small component breaks, you have to replace the entire product. All of our products are designed to be the opposite of this, so you can always replace a part.”

Charlie Watson, Lead Product Engineer 

Our Catio Tunnels have been designed with four components, which, combined, can create a system to suit any house and outside space, all built with consciously chosen materials that are ideal for purpose and will last nine lives. Should any part need replacing, it can easily be done, meaning your Omlet Catio Tunnel System need never end up as landfill. 

“These four elements let you have flexibility in your set up. By designing a modular system, we were able to create something affordable but scalable, making it a viable option for more people, and meaning that if you move house, you can bring your system with you and reconfigure it as needed.”

Charlie Watson 


You can make your Catio Tunnel System as simple or as complex as you like. Whether you want a straight tunnel to take your cat from window to Catio, or a labyrinth that lets them scale the sides of the house and tread a path through the treetops is entirely down to you. 

  • Create a secure point of entry with a window box or window board 
  • Tunnels can be wall mounted, run along the ground or freestanding with supports
  • Junctions let tunnels turn corners
  • Towers, with in-built steps, let your cat climb up or down 


However long you make your Catio Tunnel System, you can do so secure in the knowledge that we never take shortcuts in design. Powder coated, steel mesh is sturdy and secure enough to contain can’t-catch-me leapers and escape-room defeaters. Our weatherproof Catio Tunnel System walkways have a slight curve that causes rain to run right off, and a textured surface for a good, firm grip.

You needn’t worry about traversing sloping ground or land at different levels either, as we’ve made sure the height of the stands that support the tunnels can be easily adjusted and the bases can be pivoted to compensate for inclines of up to 10 degrees. No wobbles, no worries.   


Our designs are only ready when we’re satisfied. Until then, our product engineers tirelessly test, refine and repeat – and that includes the feline team members, who go above and beyond (literally, in this case) to ensure indoor cats everywhere can safely enjoy the wonders of the outside world. 

“Our rigorous testing revealed we needed to modify our clip structure to keep our Catio Tunnel System stable in mid air and withstand full force feline leaping and chasing. So, we designed a reinforced clip with an intricate overlay that creates ultra tough, tight bonds that won’t come apart, no matter how rigorously the tunnels are rattled.”   

Charlie Watson 

From redesigning our existing clips to ensure they can securely hold vertical steel towers together, to ensuring all parts can be easily reconfigured and replaced as needed, every microscopic detail of our Catio Tunnel System has been carefully considered.  

Omlet and your cat

Our designs exist so your cat can explore the outdoors safely, at their own pace and on their own terms, and needn’t miaow at the window when they’re ready to feel the fresh air in their fur, or stretch out in the sun. With greater independence, they can satisfy their curiosity safely, and come back in when they’re ready to curl up on the couch with you.

Cat sitting in the Omlet Catio Tunnels

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A day in the life of a cat

Have you ever wondered, “What does my cat do all day?” In the realm of domesticated animals, few embody the enigmatic allure and effortless grace quite like our feline friends. Where naps reign supreme and curiosity knows no bounds, cats are an exquisite example of dancing between elegance and mischief. Yet in order to truly deliver the nuances of what a day in the life of a cat is really like, we felt it was only able to be done one way. From the viewpoint of a cat.

Cat climbing down the freestyle cat tree to bowl of food

The dawn of the feline empire

It’s the crack of dawn – the time when the world is still draped in a blanket of silence, and the promise of a new day beckons. But not for us cats. No, we have our own alarm clock, and it goes off precisely when the first rays of sunlight sneak through the curtains. Forget gentle nudges or soothing melodies; we believe in the power of persistent meows and strategically placed paw taps to rouse our beloved human servants from their slumber. Hangry? Who, me? Nah, just eager to start the day with a delightful symphony of demands and complaints.

The breakfast buffet

With the sun peeking over the horizon, it’s time to indulge in the most important meal of the day – breakfast. But don’t be fooled by our animalistic inclines; we cats are connoisseurs of cuisine, with a discerning palate that can rival any food critic. Expect us to turn our noses up at yesterday’s leftovers or anything that doesn’t meet our lofty standards of culinary excellence. And don’t be lulled by our gentle purrs and strokable fur – unlike undiscerning dogs, who’ll try almost anything, we cats are carnivores to the core. 

The art of the nap

After a meaty breakfast, it’s time to tackle the first nap of the day. But make no mistake; this is not your average snooze fest. Oh no, this is a carefully choreographed performance that involves finding the most comfortable spot in the house. Whether it’s on our cosy cat bed, our cat tree hammock or your freshly laundered clothes this is our time to assume a regal repose. Cat naps are not to be disturbed, lest you incur the wrath of a grumpy cat.

Morning stretches

After the morning nap, it’s time for our daily yoga session. Did you know the “cat pose” was actually named after us? Our ability to embrace the zen of flexibility is shown effortlessly in a series of stretches that would make any contortionist jealous. But the reality is we cats stretch to help our physical and mental well-being. We have lots we have to do throughout the day – napping, jumping, clawing, napping, pouncing – so stretching keeps our muscles loose and our minds engaged, releasing a fantastic burst of endorphins in the process. You humans should try it more often. 

We incorporate our luxuriant stretches into another of our favourite pastimes: scratching. Do yourselves a favour, and ensure there’s a high quality scratcher somewhere convenient – we’re happy to use the couch, but something with a deep vertical groove for ultimate scratch and stretch satisfaction is preferable.  

Playtime and the hunt for the perfect toy

As the day unfolds, so too does our insatiable appetite for mischief and mayhem. Enter playtime – a whirlwind of activity where every object becomes a potential toy waiting to be pounced upon. Whether we use your toys or ours is at your discretion. Your furniture is fine, but here are a few suggestions for superior alternatives:

  • Cat climbing tree: We’re born to climb. It’s in our DNA, and we feel safest when we seek higher ground. So if you want to delight our senses in the best way possible, invest in a sturdy cat tree, such as the Freestyle Cat Tree by Omlet. Why? Because it can be customized to suit every cat’s style, with endless possibilities of places to hide, scratch, nap and play. 
  • Cat scratching post: Our obsession with scratching isn’t something that should be untrained. It’s an innate instinct that helps us maintain healthy claws and loose, limber muscles. Top tip? Pop a Switch cat scratcher by Omlet in your basket – this epic post is a scratcher and light show in one, with settings that replicate the movements of prey we love to chase. Combining two of our favourite pastimes, this is the ultimate two LED birds with one stone.
  • Outdoor cat run: We may be indoor cats but our ancestors come from the wild. So heading outside to smell the fresh air and hear the sounds of nature on the breeze is a sure source of feline fun and joy. We’re not averse to you joining us, we’ll admit (grudgingly), we quite like your company. The Catio outdoor cat run is almost as clever as we are, as it allows us to enjoy the great outdoors safely with you by our sides, should we fancy a chin tickle. 
  • Cat toys: When it comes to cat toys, we’re really not that picky. Whether it’s a feather on a wand, a squeaky stuffed mouse or a catnip filled treat, we cats love to play with toys. Be sure to carve out time each day to play though, as playing with us is your favourite way to pass the time, and we’re happy to indulge you.

Cat stretching up the Omlet Switch cat scratcher

Midday Siesta

As the sun reaches its zenith, it’s time to retreat to the designated nap zone again. Choosing the perfect nap spot is an art, and we cats have perfected it. Whether it’s a sun-drenched windowsill or a cosy elevated cat bed, this is our time to close our eyes to the world, drifting into a realm where mice and laser pointers abound. The midday siesta is a sacred cat tradition that gives us an oasis of tranquility amidst the chaos of our thrilling existence.

Afternoon grooming

After our midday siesta we implore the grace of a seasoned spa enthusiast and embark on a grooming session that rivals the most sophisticated beauty routines. A cat’s coat is a masterpiece that demands meticulous care. For us cats, our tongues are like a brush, gliding through fur with unparalleled finesse. Humans may spend fortunes on hair care products, but we find solace in the simplicity of a well-executed grooming session.

Dinner time

As the shadows grow longer, our hanger takes centre stage once again. It’s dinner time and we fully plan on letting our humans know we are ready for our next culinary delights through ear splitting meows and powerful nudges. Meals are a cornerstone in our lives. With a consistent feeding routine we are better equipped to handle any unexpected changes in the household that could otherwise throw us off. So please remember to fill our cat food bowls at the same time everyday. You’re welcome.

Evening shenanigans

With a satisfied belly, it’s now time to embark on the evening’s mischief. A toppled vase here, a strategically placed furball there – our artistic endeavours know no bounds. We might even spend the evening weaving through the legs of our beloved human as a silent reminder of our presence in their world. But really, this is when our nocturnal instincts come to life. A quiet house is a signal to us that it’s time to prowl. We are apex predators after all.

Bedtime bliss

With the moon as our witness, it’s finally time to retire to the warm embrace of our cosy cat bed. As cats, we need to log 12-16 hours of sleep each day, so it’s important that we make the most of every nap, snooze, and snuggle. The day may end, but in our existence, this is just the beginning of another opportunity to conserve our energy so we can be ready for whatever leaping, pouncing or scratching awaits when we wake. 

Omlet and your cats

We ask questions so we can invent – like, “What does a day in the life of a cat look like?” Fun as it is to slip into the fictional mind of our feline favourites, our relentless quest to understand their behaviour and needs is driven by our commitment to inventing products that take caring for the cats in our homes to new and unexpected levels. Our aim? To enhance the bond between cat and human in innovative and inspiring new ways, with designs like the Freestyle cat tree and the Switch cat scratcher. So the next time you wonder what’s going on in that mysterious feline mind, why not connect with us? What makes cats tick is one of our favourite topics. 

Cat sleeping on the Omlet Freestyle cat tree platform


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Should I get another cat? Benefits of cat companions

Are you considering expanding your furry family? The decision to add another cat to your household can be both exciting and daunting. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of feline companionship and explore the myriad benefits of welcoming a new cat into your home. From reducing loneliness to fostering playful interactions, discover why having multiple cats can enrich your life in ways you never imagined.

Woman stroking cats sleeping on Omlet Maya donut beds

Thinking about getting another cat?

Before diving headfirst into more whiskers and meows, take some time to think about why you want another cat. Are you looking for companionship for your current cat? Do you have the time and resources to care for another pet? Are you prepared for the potential challenges that come with introducing a new cat into your home? These are all important questions to ask yourself before making a decision.

Two cats means two of (mostly) everything. For instance, cats aren’t always big fans of sharing each other’s bathrooms, so you may need another cat litter box. And then there’s the financial aspect – while two cats are double the fun, they are also double the cost. So before you go adding another cat tree to your living room, make sure you’ve planned ahead for the added embrace of cuddles, mischief, and endless entertainment that a multi-cat household brings.

Do cats need a companion?

Ever wondered if your cat needs a buddy to binge-watch Netflix with while you’re at work? While some cats are perfectly content flying solo and ruling the roost with an iron paw, others may crave a little feline friendship to keep the boredom at bay. Just like us humans, cats are social creatures with their own unique personalities and preferences. In the wild, cats live in groups called colonies, and they can form close bonds with their fellow colony members. 

Having a companion can provide your cat with social interaction, mental stimulation, and even physical exercise through play. But while some cats may thrive in a bustling household with multiple furry friends, others might prefer to be the sole object of adoration in a quieter setting. So, before you rush out to adopt another kitty, take a moment to consider your resident cat’s individual needs and quirks. 

Signs that your cat wants a companion

Still unsure if your favourite feline needs a friend? Here are a few signs that your resident cat would welcome a new four-legged member to the family with open paws:

The solo serenade: Does your cat suddenly start meowing at odd hours of the night? While it may sound like they’re auditioning for a feline choir, this could actually be a cry for companionship. Cats are social creatures, and if your kitty is serenading the moon, they might just be longing for a buddy to harmonize with.

The lap leech: You sit down for a quiet evening with a good book, only to find yourself covered in a purring, kneading, attention-seeking furball. While it’s nice to feel needed, if your cat has become a permanent fixture on your lap, it could be a sign that they’re craving some feline companionship. After all, no amount of chin scratches can replace the camaraderie of a fellow cat confidante.

The pawed pesterer: Does your cat constantly pester you for attention, even after a long day of snuggles and playtime? While you may be the centre of their universe, sometimes even the most devoted human companions can’t quite scratch that social itch. If your cat is constantly seeking out interaction and companionship, it could be a clue that they’re longing for a buddy to share their antics with.

How to introduce a new cat 

Introducing a new cat to your household requires patience and careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. Before you even bring your new furry friend home, create a separate room for the new housemate complete with all the essentials, such as food, water, litter box, and toys. Next, let the sniffing commence. Allow the cats to gradually become accustomed to each other’s scent by swapping bedding or using a pheromone diffuser. This allows them to get accustomed to one another before the actual meet and greet.

When you have ensured that both cats are feeling content in their spaces, it’s time for feline introductions. Slowly introduce the cats to one another through supervised interactions, using positive reinforcement and treats to reward calm behaviour. Be sure to provide plenty of vertical space and hiding spots for the cats to retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. And most importantly, be patient and allow the cats to establish their own relationship at their own pace. 

Products that support a multi-cat household

When it comes to a multi-cat household, having the right products can make all the difference. Fortunately, there are several Omlet designs that allow you to keep the peace and keep your furry friends entertained for hours on end. Here’s a peek at some must-have items for a harmonious abode:

Freestyle Indoor Cat Tree: Picture this: a towering oasis of scratching posts, perches, and hide-out hammocks, where your cats can unleash their inner jungle explorer without using your upholstery as the undergrowth. This multi-level marvel provides ample space for climbing, lounging, and staking out territory, all while keeping your kitties entertained and engaged.

Switch LED Scratching Post: Take connecting with your cat to the next level with the ultimate cat scratching solution. With its sleek design and remorse control, built-in LED light show, this scratching post is more than just a practical piece of furniture—it’s a statement piece. Designed to mimic the movement of prey, it brings out the apex predator instincts within, letting your cat leap, pounce and stalk. Plus, the durable sisal material is perfect for satisfying your cat’s natural urge to scratch, leaving your home looking stylish and scratch-free. 

Catio Outdoor Cat Run: Give your indoor adventurers a taste of the great outdoors with a safely enclosed Omlet Catio. This spacious outdoor enclosure provides your cats with fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of room to roam without the risk of escape or injury. With multiple levels, ramps, and even a cozy shelter for lounging, your cats will feel like they’re on a never-ending safari right in their own backyard. Our Catios can also be extended and partitioned, so are perfect for new feline introductions while both parties are still getting comfortable around one another. 

Omlet and your cats

The decision to get another cat companion for you and your current cat is a big one. But with some patience, planning, and the right products to support a harmonious multi-cat household, you can create a happy and fulfilling environment for all of your feline friends. At Omlet, we know that most wonderful moments happen when we connect with our pets – and when they connect with each other. With designs like the Freestyle Indoor Cat Tree or the Switch LED Cat Scratching Post, we’ve engineered new ways to bring you and your cats closer than ever. 

Cats playing on the Omlet Freestyle cat tree


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how to prevent cat boredom

Cats are curious creatures by nature, often exploring every nook and cranny of their environment with boundless energy. However, even the most adventurous feline can fall victim to boredom when their environment lacks stimulation. Understanding the causes of cat boredom and how to prevent it is crucial for maintaining your cat’s overall well-being and happiness.

Cat sleeping on a Maya donut bed - how to prevent cat boredom

Causes of cat boredom

Ever noticed your cat staring out the window with longing? That could well be boredom creeping in. Our feline friends aren’t just fluffy couch potatoes; they’re descendants of mighty hunters, wired to chase, pounce, and conquer. House cats in particular need extra stimulation to meet their natural needs within the home environment and keep boredom at bay. 

Routine also feeds into your cat’s emotional and physical well-being. Cats are creatures of habit, thriving on predictability and structure. Your much loved morning coffee could well be their ten minute toy time before you leave for work, that sets their day off and helps them maintain their equilibrium. Whether it’s a missed play session or a change in feeding schedule, deviations could leave them feeling fed up or frustrated. 

How boredom affects different cat breeds

Just like humans, cats come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments, and their susceptibility to boredom can vary as much as their coat patterns. For instance, the Bengal cat is sprightly in nature and often has energy to rival a small tornado. These high-energy breeds need constant mental and physical stimulation to stave off boredom. Meanwhile, a laid-back Persian may be content with a leisurely nap in a sunny spot. But don’t be fooled – even these lazy lounger types can succumb to boredom if left without entertainment for too long. 

It’s all about understanding your feline’s unique personality and adjusting your approach accordingly. The same goes for your cats of differing ages, A curious kitten is akin to a toddler with an endless curiosity and is constantly seeking new adventures and challenges. Conversely, a senior cat may prefer a more serene environment, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to boredom – they still crave mental engagement, albeit at a gentler pace. By tailoring our efforts to suit the individual needs of our cats, we can ensure they lead fulfilling lives at every stage of their journey.

Combating your cat’s boredom 

When it comes to banishing boredom in cats, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Understanding your cat’s unique personality and needs is key to crafting an environment that keeps them entertained and content. Well designed cat products can be essential to keep your cat stimulated and active, by encouraging them to engage in natural behaviours, from scratching to leaping. 

Cat scratching posts: Scratching isn’t simply your cat expressing their distaste at your new upholstery choice. It’s an essential part of maintaining claw health that also provides a full body, endorphin releasing stretch. The Omlet Switch cat scratching post goes even further, with inbuilt light modes to simulate prey they can chase and pounce at all day. Switch on and save your sofa.

Cat climbing trees: All cats love to climb – it’s a fact. Seeking the higher ground helps cats feel secure, letting them find a discreet spot from which they can watch the world go by. The Freestyle cat tree by Omlet opens up adventures in the air, making use of every inch of vertical space, perfect for active breeds and multi-cat households. Say goodbye to cat boredom and hello to your cat’s instinctual need to survey their surroundings from elevated vantage points.

Cat puzzle feeders: Eating the same food from the same cat bowl day in and day out can get boring. So consider spicing up mealtime with some added mental stimulation and make your cat work for their food. Puzzle feeders are a great boredom buster as they are work to stimulate a cat’s problem-solving skills and prevent overeating.

Cat toys: When a cat doesn’t play, boredom comes to stay. Avoid it by incorporating interactive cat toys into your feline friend’s routine. From feather wands to plush mice, a variety of toys cater to different play styles and preferences, keeping cats entertained and engaged.

Catio: Imagine a world where your feline friend can roam, explore, and bask in the sun to their heart’s content – without the danger of passing traffic. The Outdoor Catio by Omlet provides the perfect playground for your curious kitty, stimulating their senses and satisfying their natural hunting instincts. With plenty of room to climb, perch, and observe the world around them, banish boredom by opening up the adventure in the safety of their own backyard.

Omlet and your cat

At Omlet, we recognize that every cat is unique, regardless of breed or age, and so is their boredom level. By understanding their natural needs and behaviours, we’ve developed a range of products designed to add enrichment and excitement to their lives that will strengthen the bond between you. From customisable cat trees to disco scratchers, our designs challenge the status quo of cat care to make you wonder, why hasn’t it always been this way? 

Cat climbing the Omlet Indoor Freestyle Cat Tree - how to prevent cat boredom

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Is my cat lazy or just bored?

Ragdoll sleeping on Omlet yellow bolster bed

Cats are the ultimate connoisseurs of leisure. But as cat owners, when we observe our feline companions lounging around the house for hours on end, we can’t help but ask; is my cat lazy or just bored? Understanding your cat’s lounging habits can shed light on their behaviour and better help you to ensure their well-being. Let’s delve into the feline psyche to unravel this mystery.

The myth of feline laziness

It’s easy to label cats as lazy creatures, especially when they spend the majority of their day napping in sunlit spots or curled up on cosy cat blankets. However, this perception overlooks the natural instincts and energy levels of our feline friends. Cats are crepuscular animals, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk. This evolutionary trait stems from their ancestors, who were nocturnal hunters.

Moreover, cats are experts at conserving energy for when it’s most needed. In the wild, this instinct is what allows them to stay alive in times of scarcity. So, when your cat appears to be lounging around lazily, they might actually just be engaging in energy conservation, preparing for bursts of activity later on. In fact, your feline friend could just be really in tune with their natural rhythms. 

Signs of laziness in cats

Ever witnessed your feline friend channelling their inner couch potato with impressive dedication? While cats have a reputation for their laid-back demeanour, there’s a fine line between relaxed and downright lazy. Keep an eye out for telltale signs like a preference for horizontal surfaces over vertical conquests (think: floor naps over tree-climbing adventures) or a sudden disinterest in playtime, opting instead for marathon snooze sessions. If your kitty’s motto seems to be “why chase mice when I can chase z’s?” it might be time to address their sluggish behaviour.

Detecting laziness in cats isn’t just about observing their affinity for naps (though that’s certainly a clue). Look for subtle shifts in their routine, like decreased grooming habits or a reluctance to engage in activities they once found enjoyable. However, don’t hit the panic button just yet – a lazy day here and there is perfectly normal. It’s when lethargy becomes a constant companion, accompanied by other concerning symptoms like weight loss, changes in appetite, or excessive hiding, that you should consider reaching out to your vet. After all, even the most dedicated loungers deserve a clean bill of health.

Signs of boredom in cats

Has your feline friend been perfecting the art of snoozing on the windowsill for the umpteenth time? While cats are notorious for their love of lounging, a constant state of lethargy might just be the first indicator of boredom creeping in. Keep a keen eye out for telltale signs like excessive sleeping, lacklustre playfulness, or the ultimate feline snub: ignoring that fancy toy you swore would be their new obsession. 

Identifying kitty boredom isn’t rocket science, but it does require a Sherlock-level observation game. Watch for subtle shifts in behaviour like increased meowing, over-grooming, or the sudden emergence of destructive tendencies (ripped curtains, anyone?). Remember, a bored cat isn’t just a lazy cat – it’s a cat in dire need of mental stimulation. Your best defense to bust the kitty boredom blues is with activity that engages their bodies and minds. 

Enrichment for indoor cats

Whether it’s laziness or boredom, there are several activities you can include in your cat’s daily routine to spice up their mental and physical stimulation. Keeping your cat engaged by rotating these products every few weeks will allow them to be alert more and sleep better. Let’s take a look:

Cat toys: 

Invest in a variety of interactive cat toys like feather wands or laser pointers to keep your lazy kitty on their toes. The key? Rotate the toys regularly to prevent boredom. Imagine being handed the same crossword puzzle every day – snooze fest, right? Variety is the spice of life, even in the feline world.

Cat scratching post: 

Picture this: a scratching post that doubles as a disco ball for your cat. What more could a bored cat ask for? Omlet’s Switch LED cat scratching post adds a futuristic flair to feline furniture, enticing even the laziest of cats with its dazzling light show. It’s like a rave for your kitty, minus the questionable dance moves.

Cat climbing tree:

Take your cat’s love for lounging to new heights with Omlet’s Freestyle cat climbing trees. These customizable marvels are the ultimate jungle gym for your domestic adventurer. Customize your cat’s tree to their specific needs with a cushioned cat step, a scratching pole, or, yes, even a kitty hammock where they can at least exert energy to get to.  

Puzzle feeders:

Turn mealtime into playtime with puzzle feeders that require your cat to work for their kibble. Not only does it stimulate their natural hunting instincts, but it also prevents overeating – which if you’ve ever heard a cat with a hairball you know all too well how vital good and slow digestion is. 

One-on-one engagement:

While cat products are a great option to keep your lazy or bored cat entertained, perhaps the best boredom buster of all is one-on-one playtime with you – their favourite person. Set aside dedicated play sessions where you can bond over interactive games like chase-the-feather or hide-and-seek. Not only does it strengthen your bond, but it also gives your cat the mental and physical stimulation they need to thrive.

Omlet and your cat

In the amazing world of cats, boredom can creep in just as quickly as with any other animal. At Omlet, we make our products to suit cats of all sizes, breeds and boredom levels. From our customizable cat trees to our interactive cat scratching posts, Omlet is dedicated to creating designs that suit every cat’s needs. But the best part is that all of our products are designed to bring you and your cat closer together so you can both beat boredom together. 

Brown cat sleeping on Maya Donut Cat bed

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How to keep indoor cats active

Indoor cat keeping active by playing with cat toy in the Freestyle hammock

As cat lovers, we want the best for our feline friends. Yet, in a world with potential hazards and dangers, keeping our beloved pets safe indoors often seems like the best option. However, while the indoors provide safety, it’s equally important to ensure our indoor cats remain active and engaged and lead fulfilling lives. In this blog, we’ll explore various strategies and products to keep indoor cats active and entertained, ensuring they stay healthy and happy.

Indoor cats

Keeping cats indoors can help keep them safe and, with the right measure, can give them a full and active lifestyle. Some breeds in particular are better suited to indoor life, such as ragdolls, British shorthairs and siamese as they are more docile than other cats. While letting your cat loose on the outside world has its appeal, there are risks to their health and safety that come with roaming free.

A big one for many cat owners is traffic – cars and cats don’t mix and, particularly when they are still young and finding their feet, traffic accidents pose a significant threat that is almost impossible to effectively safeguard against. There is also the risk of confrontation with other, aggressive animals, from the neighbourhood’s dominant tom cat to feral foxes. Exposure to disease and ingestion of toxic substances can also pose a risk.

By keeping cats indoors, you can shield your furry friend from these dangers and provide a secure environment where they can thrive. Moreover, indoor cats are less likely to contribute to the decline of native wildlife populations, as they won’t hunt birds or small mammals. Indoor living provides a controlled environment where you can monitor your cat’s health and safety more effectively, ultimately increasing the odds of a longer and healthier life.

Indoor stay is good for play

Contrary to popular belief, indoor cats can still lead fulfilling lives full of fun and stimulation. 

Indoor play is the key to keeping our feline friends engaged and mentally strong throughout the day. By providing a variety of interactive cat toys and cat climbing structures, you can mimic the excitement and challenges of the outdoor environment within the safety of your home. 

From chasing feather wands to pouncing on laser pointers, indoor play taps into cats’ natural instincts, keeping them physically active and mentally sharp. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to bond with your furry companion while also ensuring they get the exercise they need to maintain a healthy weight and mindset. So, whether it’s a game of hide-and-seek or a round of fetch with their favourite toy mouse, indoor playtime offers endless opportunities for fun and enrichment that cats truly adore.

Outdoor options for indoor cats

For indoor cats craving a taste of the great outdoors, the Catio outdoor cat enclosure designed by Omlet is a game-changer. This ingeniously designed enclosure provides a safe and controlled environment where our feline friends can satisfy their natural instincts while remaining protected from the various hazards lurking beyond our doorsteps. With ample space to roam, climb, and bask in the sunshine, cats can explore the sights, sounds, and scents of nature without the worry of traffic accidents or encounters with other animals. 

What’s more, the Catio allows you the opportunity to actively participate in your feline friend’s outdoor adventures, whether it’s by lounging alongside them, playing with interactive toys, or simply enjoying the fresh air together. It’s the perfect compromise, bridging the gap between indoor safety and outdoor exploration, ensuring that your beloved companion leads a fulfilling and enriched life. Add a Catio Tunnel to connect your Catio to your house and give your feline the ability to live out their life and natural instincts on their terms. It’s the perfect compromise, bridging the gap between indoor safety and outdoor exploration, ensuring that your beloved companion leads a fulfilling and enriched life.

While keeping your cat contained indoors is the safest option, it doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the outdoors in a controlled manner. Catios come in various sizes and designs, offering opportunities for climbing, sunbathing, and birdwatching while keeping your cat protected from potential dangers.

Products to keep your indoor cat active

Ever wondered how to keep your indoor cat entertained and active? Look no further. With a few clever products, you can turn your home into a playground that will keep your feline friend engaged and happy all day long. Check out these fantastic options:

Freestyle Indoor Cat Tree: This multi-tiered wonderland provides endless opportunities for climbing, scratching, and lounging, giving your cat the ultimate indoor adventure. Completely customizable and available in a variety of sizes, you can make a cat tree as personalized as your furry friend.

Freestyle Hammock Accessory: Let your cat kick back and relax in style with this cozy hammock attachment for the Freestyle cat tree. Perfect for afternoon naps, birdwatching or just contently hiding in the perfect spot from the comfort of their own perch.

Switch Cat Scratcher with Interactive LED Lights: Say goodbye to scratched furniture and hello to hours of entertainment with this innovative scratcher featuring interactive LED lights that will captivate your cat’s attention and keep them engaged for hours on end. Nothing gets your cat more lit than a scratcher with lights.

Human interaction – the best type of play

While toys and gadgets are valuable tools for keeping indoor cats active, nothing beats the interaction with their human companions. Spending quality time playing, cuddling, and bonding with your cat not only keeps them physically active but also strengthens the bond between you both. Whether it’s a game of chase, a gentle grooming session, or simply lounging together, your presence and attention are invaluable to your cat’s well-being. The Switch is a great blend of technology and connection, as by using the remote control to switch up the light display, you and your cat can while away the time together. 

Omlet and your cat

Keeping indoor cats active requires dedication and creativity from pet owners. With a commitment to creating solutions that enhance the lives of pets and their humans, Omlet offers a range of inventive products designed to enrich the indoor cat experience. From stylish cat beds to interactive cat scratchers, we understand the needs of modern pet owners and their feline companions, so we design products that ensure a harmonious and enjoyable life together.

Indoor cat keeping active in the Omlet Catio using cat scratcher

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Is my cat overweight? Signs of feline obesity and how to prevent

Woman and girl on the couch with a cat using the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher.

We love our felines, and ensuring their well-being is a top priority for pet owners. But have you ever picked up your furry friend and wondered, is my cat just super fluffy or is my cat overweight? Just like humans, cats can struggle with a few extra pounds, which can lead to various health issues if left unchecked. In this blog, we’ll explore the signs of feline obesity, why it’s crucial to prevent it, and what you can do to keep your furry companion fit and healthy.

How to tell your cat is overweight

Recognising whether your cat is carrying a few extra pounds can sometimes be a challenging task, especially since cats come in all shapes and sizes. However, there are some telltale signs to look out for.

Feelin’ the fur: Take a moment to give your kitty a gentle pet. Can you feel their bones under all that fluff? A healthy cat should have a bit of padding, but if it feels more like squishing a pillow, it might be time for a closer look.

The “pudgy paws” test: Check out those paws. If your cat’s once dainty digits now resemble mini marshmallows, they might be carrying a bit too much weight. Extra padding on the paw pads is a telltale sign of obesity.

Watch ’em walk: Take a gander at your cat’s strut. If they’ve got a noticeable waddle or jiggle when they move, it could be a sign of excess weight.

Belly beware: Lift your cat’s front legs and peek underneath. Can you see a muffin top where their waist should be? While it’s a good sign in baked goods, it could be an indication of excess weight on our feline friends.

Tail-end trouble: Your cat’s tail can reveal a lot about their weight. If it’s looking more like a sausage than a sleek swish, they might be carrying some extra heft.

Cuddle cautiously: Sure, snuggling up with your favourite feline is adorable, but if their belly feels like a beanbag chair, it might be time to reconsider those extra treats.

Weighing in: While every cat’s ideal weight varies, a trip to the vet’s office for a weigh-in can provide valuable insights.

Lackluster leaping: Is your once agile acrobat now more of a couch potato? If they’re opting for catnaps over zoomies, it might be due to carrying excess weight. Time to encourage some more playtime.

Why you want to avoid extra weight in cats

Extra weight in cats, just like in humans, can seriously impact their health and quality of life. Picture this: you wake up feeling sluggish, your joints creaking like an old floorboard, and every movement feels like you’re lugging around a sack of potatoes. That’s what it’s like for overweight cats, except they can’t hit the gym or switch up their diet on their own.

Carrying those extra pounds puts immense strain on their joints, leading to arthritis and aches that can make even a leisurely stroll to their cat food bowl feel like a marathon. And let’s not forget the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other serious health issues that lurk in the shadows of those extra pounds.

But it’s not just physical health at stake here. A lack of energy and a sense of sluggishness can stop them enjoying the activities they need to keep them mentally stimulated, relaxed and happy, such as climbing, playing and scratching.

Obesity in cats can significantly impact their health and quality of life. Excess weight can also lead to respiratory problems, liver disease, and urinary tract issues. Keeping your furry friend fit and fabulous is not just for the sake of their waistlines, but for their own enjoyment and vitality, which benefits us so much.

How to prevent obesity in cats

Preventing obesity in cats ideally starts with establishing healthy habits from an early age, but can be encouraged at any life stage. Remember, moderation and movement are key to keeping our furry friends in tip-top shape. Here are 5 top ways to keep your cat in shape:

  1. Playtime palooza: Engage in daily play sessions that encourage your cat to jump, chase, and pounce, ensuring they get their heart rate up and those calories burning. Set aside dedicated time each day to engage in active play with your cat by using interactive cat toys and games that stimulate their natural hunting instincts. The Switch Cat Scratching Post is a playtime game changer, with over 1200 light modes for endless entertainment.
  2. Foodie fun: Make mealtime more interactive by using food puzzles or slow-feeders to encourage your cat to work for their meal, keeping their minds sharp and their tummies satisfied without overindulging.
  3. Vertical ventures: Cats love to climb, so invest in an indoor cat tree where they can perch and explore, providing both mental stimulation and opportunities for physical activity.
  4. Window watcher workout: Set up a cozy perch with a comfy cat bed by a window where your cat can leap up and bird-watch or simply soak up the sun. It’s like Netflix for cats—entertaining and calorie-free.
  5. Outdoor adventure: Take your cat on supervised outdoor adventures with a safely enclosed outdoor Catio, allowing them to explore new sights and smells while getting some fresh air and exercise.

Omlet and your cat

Ensuring your cat maintains a healthy weight is vital for their overall well-being. By being mindful of their diet, providing ample opportunities for exercise and play, and monitoring their weight regularly, you can help prevent obesity and keep your furry friend happy and healthy. At Omlet, we understand the importance of nurturing the bond between you and your pet, which is why we design products like the Freestyle Indoor Cat Tree and the Switch Cat Scratching Post to prioritize their well-being and enhance your connection with them. After all, healthy cats are happy cats and happy cats are what we love.

man with cat playing on the Omlet indoor Freestyle cat tree


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What scratching post is best for my cat?

Cat sat on top of the Switch Cat Scratcher

Cats and scratching go paw in paw. Given the opportunity, they’ll scratch at anything, so the right scratcher is essential for saving the furniture and walls of any cat parent. But not all cat scratchers are created equal. So, how in a market of short-lived and boring scratchers, do you know what the best scratching post is for your cat? Let’s delve into the world of scratchers and discover the key to your cat’s contentment.

Scratch their innate itch

A cat that claws at your sofa isn’t poorly behaved. Rather, scratching comes as naturally to cats as meowing does. Not only do cats scratch to take care of their claws, but it’s also their way of releasing stress, marking their territory and a form of feline exercise. Given this behaviour is so important to a cat’s physical and mental well-being, finding a scratcher is more than just a means of protecting your home from scratch marks. 

Finding a scratcher to suit

Wood cat scratchers

Wood is a sturdy choice for a cat scratcher and can look great in your home. High-quality wooden cat scratchers are also incredibly durable. While an option for cats that enjoy scratching your wooden furniture, most generally prefer more resistant materials to claw. Fussy felines can also have preferences for which type of wood they enjoy scratching. So while you might be happy with how their new scratcher looks, your cat might not be so impressed.

Cardboard cat scratchers

Cats love cardboard, so much so that they’ll often enjoy playing with the cardboard box their new toy came in just as much as the toy itself! While cardboard cat scratchers have the benefit of being more affordable, many owners find themselves having to bin the entire product shortly after their purchase, creating unnecessary waste.

The Stak Cat Scratcher, however, has been made with sustainability at the forefront. A firm favourite amongst felines, the durable cardboard of the Stak means cats can enjoy hours of scratching sessions. And when they finally paw away the last of the cardboard, you can simply add a Stak refill pack and the fun can start all over again.

Carpet cat scratchers

Carpet cat scratchers offer comfort for cat paws due to the nature of the material. These types of scratchers do have their disadvantages though. For one, they can lead to confusion, with cats unsure of which carpet in the home is for scratching and which carpet is not. Carpet cat scratchers are also notorious for harbouring dirt and fur, which again, can result in waste from having to replace them frequently. 

Sisal cat scratchers

Sisal mimics the natural texture of bark on trees, which makes for an excellent choice for cats who want to get in touch with their wild side. Sisal scratchers are either made from sisal rope or sisal fabric but for cats who don’t like rougher textures, it can take time to learn how to use them.

The Switch Cat Scratcher with blue lights

A scratcher that does it all

But what about a cat scratcher that does it all? Why do we have to compromise when it comes to our cats’ toys? Could there not be a cat scratcher that has the benefits of a high-quality cardboard scratcher, doesn’t take hours of teaching your cat to get used to, and creates a new way for pets and their owners to bond? Our designers got to thinking and after several rounds of product testing (thanks to the help of some feline friends), we created the ultimate cat scratcher. 

Introducing Switch. Interactive, sustainable and ingenious, the Switch Cat Scratcher will take your cat’s scratching to another dimension. Made with a hard-wearing natural bamboo base and biodegradable sisal sleeve, the Switch has been expertly engineered to withstand even the sharpest of scratches. 

And the coolest part? It lights up. With over 1200 ambient light settings, the Switch is nearly as fun for people as it is for pets. Simply choose from a range of light programs, colour, brightness and speed settings for hours of entertainment. It’s out with flimsy, boring and unsustainable scratchers and in with connecting with your cat in colour. 

The Switch is also 20% taller than the standard scratcher, which means cats will enjoy the benefits of scratching and stretching. Plus, the anti-topple technology guarantees your cat’s safety and boosts their confidence, no matter how hard they scratch. 

Caring for your cat with Omlet

At Omlet, we never stop asking questions, which led us to the ingenious design of the Switch Cat Scratcher. Compromise is never an option when it comes to animals’ well-being, and we strive to continue designing products to help pets and owners build a wondrous connection. Shop our range of cat products, including our Freestyle Cat Tree to unleash your feline’s inner explorer and cosy cat beds for a guaranteed good night’s sleep after hours of scratching and climbing. 

Cat looking up at the Switch Cat Scratcher

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The health benefits of scratching posts

Cat scratching at the top of the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher

Cat scratching posts are more than just furniture-saving accessories; they play a pivotal role in maintaining your feline friend’s overall health and well-being. Beyond providing a convenient outlet for your cat’s natural scratching instincts, scratching posts offer a myriad of physical and mental health benefits that contribute to their vitality and happiness. Follow along as we uncover the science behind cat scratching and why scratching posts are not just a want, but a need.

Physical benefits

A cat’s primal urge to scratch isn’t just a whim; it’s a workout in disguise. Stretching, reaching, and claw action are all part of the physical benefits that cats receive from this essential behaviour.  

Claw health

Cat scratching posts act as a natural manicure station for your furry companions. “Stropping,” the process where cats pull their claws through a surface after scratching, helps in sharpening claws and maintaining claw health by removing the outer sheath, which in turn, ensures precision and strength in their scratching prowess. This natural maintenance reduces the risk of painful issues like ingrown claws and allows for healthy nail growth.

Weight management

Engaging with a scratching post isn’t just about claw care; it’s also an exercise routine for your cat. Statistics show that 40% of domesticated cats are overweight – that’s a lot of extra kitty to go around. But the good news is that stretching, reaching, and digging claws into a scratching post are physical activities that are excellent calorie burners. For indoor cats, especially, this form of exercise aids in weight management and helps prevent obesity-related health issues.

Stretch necessity

Cats are incredibly flexible animals, and stretching is an integral part of their daily routine. A scratching post serves as a tool for them to stretch their bodies, promoting muscle flexibility and preventing stiffness. Regular stretching also maintains a cat’s agility and contributes to their overall physical health, like keeping their digestive system regular and healthy.

Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher with pink light setting

Mental benefits

If cats had a therapist it would be a cat scratching post. Each satisfying scratch triggers a cascade of endorphins, whisking your feline friend away to a realm of pure contentment. It’s akin to their personal stress-relief session. With every swipe, cats leave behind not just a physical mark but also a signature scent that reassures them and crates a stress-free zone

Endorphin essential

Scratching isn’t just a physical need for cats; it’s also an emotional release. When a cat scratches, their body releases endorphins which are the feel-good hormones that induce pleasure and relaxation. This natural high provides your cat with a sense of contentment and well-being. What more could you want for your favourite feline?

Stress relief

Cats often scratch as a way to alleviate stress and anxiety. It’s a form of self-soothing behaviour that helps them relax and unwind. By having a designated scratching post, cats can redirect their stress into a positive outlet, reducing destructive behaviours that may stem from anxiety. 

Marking territory

Did you know your cat is communicating when they scratch? Scratching isn’t merely about sharpening claws; it’s also a means of marking territory. Cats have tiny scent glands in their paw pads, and when they scratch, they leave their scent behind. This territorial marking is their way of leaving a message that they were here and this post belongs to them.

What’s the best scratching post?

Now that you understand the science behind why cats need a scratching post, how do you decide which one is best for your feline friend? Based on the physical and mental benefits that cats receive from a good scratch, it’s best to look for a scratching post that delivers on sturdiness, durability, and engagement. 

At Omlet, we craft our scratching posts that cater to a cat’s every need. Our designs not only provide a durable and enticing scratching surface where claws can lay claim, but we also incorporate elements that stimulate cats mentally and physically like our Switch LED Cat Scratching Post. From adjustable heights to varied textures, to colour-changing light scenes, Omlet’s scratching posts engage cats and encourage healthy scratching habits while promoting exercise and mental stimulation. 

Omlet and your cat’s scratching

Omlet’s commitment to understanding feline behaviour and needs has resulted in ingenious products that simplify pet care while enriching cats’ lives. With products such as the customisable Freestyle Cat Tree, the outdoor Catio playground, and the sleek-designed Maya Indoor Cat House, Omlet creates products that seamlessly integrate into your cat’s routine, fostering their health and happiness. So, the next time your cat stretches out and indulges in a good scratch, remember, it’s not just a habit—it’s a health essential.

Cat scratching the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher with owner watching


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Best cat scratching posts: help your feline exercise & destress

Woman putting the sleeve on the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher

If your beloved feline is turning your furniture into a scratching sanctuary, we have a stylish and practical answer. In this blog, we’ll unravel the mystery behind the best cat scratching posts, designed to save your furniture and satisfy your cat’s natural instincts. From sleek designs that blend seamlessly with your decor to supersized play stations for even the liveliest and biggest breeds, we’ve got you covered. Say hello to a harmonious household where your furry friend can happily scratch with the best scratching posts that will help your feline exercise and destress.

Why do cats need scratching posts?

Cats are natural scratchers; it’s an intrinsic behaviour that’s crucial for their well-being. So giving your cat a scratching post is more than just providing a new place to scratch; it serves as a designated outlet for their scratching urges, saving your sofa from becoming a shredded mess and their cat beds from being constantly clawed at. 

Furniture saviour: One of the best ways to divert your cat’s natural urge to scratch up your beloved sofa or bed is with a scratching post. Consider it your furniture preserver from claw-induced destruction.

Claw maintenance: Just like our nail clippers, scratching posts act as the manicurist for your cat’s claws. Regular scratching helps them shed the outer layers of their claws, keeping them healthy and preventing overgrowth.

Exercise central: Scratching posts aren’t just for scratching. They double up as exercise equipment for your cat. With various heights and textures, cat scratching posts encourage stretching, jumping, and climbing—keeping your furball physically fit and agile.

Stress buster: Cats scratch for various reasons, and one of them is stress relief. Having a scratching post available allows them to de-stress and mark their territory, establishing a sense of ownership and comfort in their own space.

The best materials to work your cat’s claws

When it comes to keeping your cat’s claws in top-notch condition, the choice of scratching post material is crucial. If cats could talk, they would say the material that works best for them to scratch is one that’s durable yet also allows for playful destruction. But because cat scratchers come wrapped in a variety of different materials such carpet, burlap, sisal, and cardboard, it can be hard to decide which is best for your feline friend. 

At Omlet, we selected sisal and cardboard as star materials for our cat scratching posts due to their cat-friendly features. Sisal’s hard-wearing nature ensures a post can endure countless scratching sessions, while maintaining its integrity for an extended period of time. Made from a durable natural fibre extracted from the agave plant, sisal offers a rough texture that’s feline-friendly for scratching. Its resilience stands the test of time and allows cats to dig their claws in without causing significant wear and tear.

Likewise, cardboard is a clever choice for scratching as its texture provides an irresistible invitation for cats. The layered construction and recyclability of the product offers a renewable and eco-friendly option, ensuring ongoing entertainment and a sustainable solution for both cats and their owners. In our commitment to providing cats with durable, enjoyable, and environmentally conscious scratching solutions, we believe sisal and cardboard are the best choices. 

What’s the best scratching post for large cats?

When it comes to bigger cat breeds, they need bigger scratching posts. But exactly how big? To get a proper stretch, cats need to extend their bodies fully mimicking their behaviour in the wild. For larger cats, the best scratching post boasts taller and thicker dimensions, providing an expanse that accommodates their size and strength. 

Plus, a thicker and more robust scratching post also ensures stability and durability, withstanding the powerful scratching force of larger cats. A sturdier post construction prevents wobbling or tipping over, providing a secure platform for them to exert their energy without concern. The Omlet Stak Cat Scratcher and the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher are great options for large cats as the taller and sturdier dimensions provide an enriching and fulfilling scratching experience for even larger breeds.

With the Switch, we took cat scratching one step further by incorporating interactive LED lights within the post to allow for increased fun and entertainment for your cat. Not only are these customizable light shows great for your cat’s brain training, they help to engage their natural instincts of hunting as well. No matter your cat’s age or breed they are sure to fall in love with this innovative and playful post.

Two cats and the Stak Cat Scratcher

Top scratching post for small cats and kittens

For small cats and kittens, the best scratching posts are designed with their specific needs in mind, offering a range of options that cater to their petite size and playful nature. Scaled-down scratching posts with a lower height provide accessibility for tiny felines to comfortably reach and explore without any difficulty. So best to opt for a compact yet sturdy post that won’t overwhelm your small cat or kitten but can still provide a stable base for scratching and stretching.

A compact and sturdy scratcher like the Omlet Stak in Short can be great for kittens, and they will love being able to jump and reach the top even when they’re tiny. However, if you want to bring an element of interactive play to their scratch session, the Omlet Switch is a fantastic option with its 1200+ light modes to fascinate your feline for years to come. These post options prioritize safety, engagement, and adaptability, all designed to meet the unique needs of your tinier furry friends. 

Sustainable scratching posts at Omlet

Omlet takes sustainability to new heights with our innovative scratching posts. In order for us to challenge the pet care norm, we ask questions that make our designs better for you and your pet. Questions like, “Can a cat scratching post live forever?” Through ingenuity and our meticulous attention to what’s important, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’ and is found in our unique cat scratching post designs.

In our commitment to eco-friendliness, our approach is simple – design scratching posts with replaceable, sustainable refills. With the Stak Cat Scratcher, there’s no longer a need to replace the entire post. Simply switch out the worn-out cardboard layers with a new replaceable refill and your cat will be back to scratching in no time. 

Likewise, the Switch Cat Scratcher comes with replaceable sisal sleeves. As soon as the scratched area becomes too frayed or worn, just remove the old one and replace it with a new one while keeping the same post. This ingenious system not only reduces waste but also ensures a cost-effective and eco-conscious solution for pet owners. 

By choosing Omlet’s sustainable scratching posts, you not only contribute to a greener environment, but you also provide your feline companions with endless scratching fun. The refillable nature of these posts underscores Omlet’s dedication to reducing the carbon pawprint, offering a simple yet remarkable way to keep cats happily scratching without adding waste to the landfill.

Top tips to train your cat to use their post

Encouraging your cat to embrace regular scratching posts involves one part finesse and several parts feline psychology. Here are some top tips on how to encourage scratching on a scratching post instead of your furniture:

  • Strategically place the post in an area where your cat scratches the most. Have a cat that likes to scratch in multiple areas? Might be best to buy more than one post.
  • Introduce positive reinforcement by using cat treats placed on or near the post. Catnip is a great option as its fragrance is irresistible to most felines and will entice them to do just about anything.
  • Gently guide your cat to the post when you first place it in the designated area. This is a great time to connect with your furry friend and show them with your own hands how the post is a perfect place to scratch and stretch.
  • Redirection is key. If your cat starts to go back to previous habits of clawing your sofa, simply bring them back to the post to help redirect the behaviour there.
  • Patience, patience, patience. Cats are clever and it won’t take long for them to recognize the scratching post as a preferred spot to sink their claws into.

Cat care with Omlet

Omlet stands at the frontier of pet product innovation, continually breaking boundaries to create products that matter to both pet owners and their beloved cats. Our unique and sustainable cat scratching posts are just one way we exemplify this commitment by offering more than just a simple post. From sustainable, refillable options that minimize waste to posts designed specifically for cats of varying sizes and needs, Omlet’s creations redefine what a scratching post can be. It’s not just about a scratching post; it’s about elevating the pet ownership experience to remarkable new heights.

Cat lying down next to the Switch Cat Scratcher

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How to stop a cat from scratching the sofa

Cat stretching on the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher next to a couch

Are you tired of finding your beloved sofa in shreds, thanks to the work of your favourite feline friend? When it comes to claw-induced destruction of furniture, the struggle can be real for some cat owners. You love your sweet furry friend like family, but you also love your furniture to stay looking nice and new, too. So what are you to do? While asking your cat to stop scratching would be like asking you to stop moving, there are ways you can divert this innate behaviour in a more constructive and healthy manner. Keep reading to learn how to stop your cat from scratching the sofa and create a harmonious house for everyone.

Why your cat is scratching the sofa

When you see your furniture turned into a feline framed art piece, it’s hard not to think this is an act of rebellion. The fact is, scratching is an instinct that’s hardwired into cats and a primal behaviour that’s as natural to them as walking upright is to us. That’s why offering an alternative, such as a sturdy cat scratching post, is one of the best ways to encourage this behaviour. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why your cat may be scratching your sofa:

Territorial tactics: Cats are natural territorial beings, and scratching is their way of marking their territory. Your sofa might just be the chosen canvas for a feline masterpiece, proudly declaring, “This spot is mine!”

Nail maintenance: Scratching isn’t just a decor-destroying hobby for cats; it’s also a crucial part of their nail care routine. They need to shed the outer sheath of their claws, and your sofa happens to be the most convenient emery board in town.

Stretching stretches beyond yoga: Cats love a good stretch, and your sofa provides the perfect surface for a full-body flex. Consider it their version of a yoga mat – except with a bit more claw action.

Stress relief: Just like we might squeeze a stress ball, cats scratch to release tension. So, if your feline friend is going through a tough time, that sofa may be taking one for the team in the name of kitty relaxation.

Visual and scent marking: Scratching isn’t just a physical act for cats; it’s a multi-sensory experience. They leave both visible marks and scent markings from glands in their paws. Your sofa is getting a full aromatic treatment.

Attention, please: Cats are clever animals, and they know how to grab your attention. If they’ve noticed that a few claw marks result in a flurry of activity, they might just keep scratching for the thrill of your response.

Boredom buster: Cats need mental and physical stimulation. If they’re not entertained, they might turn to your sofa for some recreational scratching. Consider it their way of saying, “I need more toys, please”.

Texture preference: Cats have preferences too. Your sofa might offer a texture that’s particularly appealing to your feline friend. It’s like their way of telling you they have a sophisticated taste in furniture.

Types of sofas cats are prone to scratch

While some sofa materials are more likely to be destroyed by a curious kitty than others, there are a few sofas that you will want to steer clear of if you have a cat. These materials offer enough satisfying resistance for cats to sink their claws into with comfort and ease, making your sofa a shredded place to sit. 

Tweed sofas may offer a lot in their beautiful texture and ease of cleaning, but for a cat, it’s a welcoming committee for their claws. The tightly woven, looped texture of tweed is a perfect hook for your cat’s claws to get into and begin to rip out the fabric one thread at a time. Not to mention, trying to get cat hair off tweed is a nightmare as well, so best to avoid this type of sofa altogether if you’re in a feline-friendly home. 

The second type of sofa to avoid if you don’t want it shredded is chenille. While the rich texture of this fabric may look pretty, it’s actually created of small, nubby piles to give it that raised look and feel. And those small, nubby piles are perfect for cat claws to sink right into and rip out. Unfortunately, with chenille, once those loops are ruined, they can’t be repaired, so it’s best to avoid chenille sofas if you can. 

Lastly on the list of sofas cats are prone to scratch is the luxurious velvet. Simply stated – cats and velvet don’t mix. This material is extremely delicate and not a match for the sharp kneeds and paws of cat claws. But if you’re a cat owner and absolutely love the royal look of velvet, all is not lost. Microfiber and microsuede sofas provide similar look and feel options with a more cat-claw-resistant fabric.

A step-by-step guide to stop your cat from scratching the sofa

If your sofa is bearing the brunt of your cat’s relentless scratching, a harmonious coexistence between your feline friend and your furniture can be within reach. Follow this simple, yet effective, step-by-step guide to put an end to the sofa catastrophe:

  1. Provide alternatives: Cats scratch to mark territory and sharpen their claws. Offer enticing alternatives like scratching posts made of materials cats love, such as sisal or cardboard.
  2. Placement matters: Strategically place the scratching posts near the sofa. If your cat loves to scratch a particular spot on the sofa, put the scratching post right there.
  3. Catnip attraction: Sprinkle a bit of catnip on the scratching post to make it more appealing. The allure of this feline favourite can redirect your cat’s attention away from the sofa quickly.
  4. Trim those claws: Regular nail trims can minimize the impact of scratching. Invest in cat-friendly nail clippers and make it a bonding experience.
  5. Protect with covers: Use furniture covers, such as snuggly warm cat blankets or a cosy cat donut bed, to shield the sofa temporarily. Cats might find these less satisfying to scratch.
  6. Positive reinforcement: Reward your cat when they use the scratching post. Positive reinforcement can strengthen the association between desired behaviour and rewards.

By training your cat to use a scratching post instead, you’ll be well on your way to a scratch-free sofa and a happier feline companion. Remember, a little patience and creativity go a long way in fostering a harmonious home environment for both you and your beloved cat.

Training positive scratching with cat scratch posts

Transform your cat’s destructive scratching tendencies into a positive and entertaining experience with the magic of cat scratching posts. Here are some ways you can make a scratching post your feline’s new best friend:

Scratch-worthy selection: Cats have preferences, and so do scratch posts. Experiment with various materials like sisal or cardboard to discover your cat’s scratching paradise. The Omlet Stak Scratching Post is a durable and sustainable option as the refillable cardboard layers can easily be removed, recycled, and replaced when worn down, allowing for continued scratching fun. 

Likewise, the Omlet Switch Scratching Post is wrapped in the feline favourite, sisal, and was created with an innovative built-in light show that interactively keeps your cat entertained and engaged for hours.

Positive praise: One of the best ways to encourage scratching on a post is to shower your cat with praise and treats every time they use the post. Positive reinforcement creates a connection between desired behaviour and rewards and makes your cat want to come back again and again. Avoid negative reactions if your cat scratches elsewhere – instead, gently redirect them back to the scratching post and reward them when they comply. 

Playful engagement: Make the scratch post a play zone. Hang cat toys or dangle enticing strings nearby to turn scratching into a playful activity that you and your cat can enjoy together. Or just get your cat the Omlet Switch Scratcher which doesn’t need any extras added as the 1200+ interactive light modes are entertaining enough.

Sofa materials your cat won’t scratch

If it’s time to upgrade your sofa to a feline-friendly haven, choosing materials that defy the irresistible allure of your cat’s claws is essential. We recommend three main fabrics for scratch-resistant comfort: microfiber, faux suede, and synthetic polyester. Microfiber is made with smooth, tightly woven fibers, and serves as a fortress against claw incursions, deterring even the most determined scratchers. Similarly, faux suede offers a soft and smooth texture that beckons your cat to snuggle for a snooze instead of starting a scratch session. Lastly, synthetic polyester is a resilient material that withstands the test of time and tenacious paws. 

These materials not only provide a cosy spot for your cat to lounge but also serve as a stylish sanctuary that stands up to the whims of your furry companion. So if you are searching for a way to create comfort and style for you and your cat, try one of these sofa materials instead.

More furniture your feline may scratch

While the sofa often bears the brunt of scratching escapades, your cat’s artistic impulses might extend to other unsuspecting pieces of furniture. From the armchair in the corner, to the enticing wooden coffee table, to the luxurious drapes hanging by the window – no spot is entirely immune. Even the carpet and walls aren’t safe from a spontaneous scratching session. 

In order to safeguard your home’s decor, consider incorporating cat scratching posts strategically near any and all of these tempting targets. By doing so, you provide your cat with an alternative outlet for their natural instincts, sparing your furniture from the unintended consequences of their claws. With the right cat scratching posts, you can turn your home into a haven where both style and scratching habits can peacefully coexist.

The feline breeds most likely to scratch

While scratching is an innate behaviour found in all cat breeds, some cats stand out as “most likely to scratch” more than others. But do keep in mind that individual personalities vary among breeds, so every cat is different in their propensity to scratch. Meet the playful perpetrators: 

Siamese, with their curious nature and penchant for climbing, might extend their claws in exploration more so than their feline counterparts. 

The Maine coon, known for their size and agility, could inadvertently leave their mark on furniture during an adventurous stretch. 

Bengal cats, with their wild ancestry, may unleash their inner jungle instincts through enthusiastic scratching. 

While the Sphynx, though hairless, possesses a desire for tactile stimulation and may express it through scratching. 

Caring for your cats with Omlet

Omlet’s commitment to innovation extends beyond products; it’s a promise to bring pets and people closer together. Our designs aren’t just creations; they’re bridges connecting you and your cats in the most delightful ways. Whether it’s the playfulness of interactive and engaging cat scratching posts or taking the adventure outdoors with our Catio or blending style and functionality seamlessly with our furniture litter box, Omlet is your companion in crafting a world where the joy of pet ownership knows no bounds. Embrace the extraordinary with Omlet – because your cats deserve nothing less.

Woman and girl on the couch with a cat using the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher

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6 must-have cat products for summer

Cat in hammock in Omlet outdoor Freestyle cat tree in Catio

Summer is fast approaching and with warmer weather comes the opportunity to find ways to keep your cat happily entertained and healthy. Omlet wants to take the curiosity out of the hunt for fabulous feline finds, so we put together our list of 6 must-have cat products for summer so you can spend more time soaking up the sun and having fun with your furry friend.

Do cats enjoy summer?

Cats have different preferences when it comes to seasons, and their enjoyment of summer can vary among cat breeds. When the temperatures rise, humans sweat, dogs pant, and cats can generally be found seeking out warm spots to sunbathe. But not all cats love the sun-soaked sections of the window sill in summer. For long-haired or flat-nosed breeds, such as the Persian and Scottish Fold, the heat can be something they struggle with instead of enjoy.

However, whether your cat loves the sun or loathes the heat, it’s important to remember that all cats are sensitive to high temperatures. Excessive exposure to heat can cause dangerous overheating or worse, the need for medical attention from the vet. So it’s essential to provide your cat with ample shade, fresh water, and a cool environment so they can stay healthy all summer long.

Your cat’s 6 summer essentials

1. Catio

Have you ever watched a cat immerse themselves in the warmth of natural sunlight and the fresh scents of summer air? It’s magical to watch. But what’s better than watching your cat enjoy summer is the ability to spend time with them in the great outdoors. And with the Omlet Outdoor Catio Enclosure, you can do just that.

Spend more time outdoors this summer getting curious alongside your indoor cat as you both relax and enjoy the warmth of summer. Whether your outdoor space is a small balcony or a spacious backyard, the Omlet Catio can be customized to suit your cat’s outdoor needs in a safe and secure environment. Summer fun with the family should include your furry feline friend and the Catio makes that possible.

2. Catio weather protection

It won’t take long for your indoor cat to fall in love with the freedom of exploring the outdoors that the Catio offers. But how do you make sure they don’t get too hot when the summer temperatures rise? Introducing the Catio Run Covers – shade covers for your sun lovers.

It’s never been easier to keep your cat sheltered and dry during their outdoor summer adventures. The easy-to-attach hooks make installation a breeze and the dark green color will blend seamlessly into your natural exterior making the cat enclosure a beautiful addition to any outdoor space.

3. Outdoor cat tree

Ready to take your cat’s summer outdoor space to the next level? Personalize your cat’s experience with the one-of-a-kind Outdoor Freestyle cat tree, designed by Omlet. Created with a cat’s innate desire to climb in mind, we engineered this outdoor cat tree to be completely customizable for the activities your cat loves the most. And the best part – it can fit into any Catio of any size for ultimate summer fun.

Have a cat that likes to keep an eye on things from a lookout? Add a viewing platform for high-top happiness. Or if your cat is more of a lazy lounger, the hammock accessory will satisfy their summer snooze fests perfectly. No matter how you customize your cat’s outdoor cat tree, there’s one thing for sure – it will allow more bonding time for you to spend with your favorite feline.

4. Cooling mat

When the hot summer sun becomes unbearable, a cooling mat is the perfect solution to help your cat beat the heat. The Omlet Ultra Comfy Cooling Mats are designed to keep your cat cool all summer long while making sure their comfort isn’t neglected. Engineered to allow the body heat of your cat to be absorbed and create the cooling effect, these ingenious mats don’t require any electricity or refrigeration to work.

So lay one down in a designated ‘cool room’ for your cat to relax on, or place it directly in their cat bed so every nap is nice and cool. Providing your cat with a cool place to rest when it’s hot outside will help prevent overheating and discomfort during the hot summer days.

Ragdoll cat relaxing on Omlet Cooling Mat for cats

5. Cat scratching post

Summer can be a time of increased activity and play for your cat. And keeping your cat mentally and physically stimulated isn’t just reserved for the outdoors. So when it gets too hot outside, bring the fun inside. Keep your feline friend fully engaged this summer with a cat scratching post that challenges their natural instincts and keeps your furniture safe from scratch marks. Your cat will love the boredom buster fun of scratching and you will love how it helps maintain their health and well-being.

6. High-quality food water bowl

Staying hydrated is crucial for cats, especially during the summer when dehydration can set in more easily. That’s why a high-quality cat water bowl is an essential product to have both indoors and outdoors to ensure your cat has access to clean and refreshing water all summer long. This cat bowl from Omlet is a great option because it’s sturdy enough to not be tipped over and the sleek design looks great in any room.

Omlet and keeping your cat cool

Summer should be a time of joy and comfort for both you and your feline companion. At Omlet, we design our products to ensure your cat stays comfortable and connected to you no matter the season. From catios to cooling mats to outdoor cat trees, we innovate solutions to beat the summer heat. Prioritize your cat’s well-being with these products so you can spend the summer doing more of what you both love – comfortably enjoying the refreshing season together.

Two cats playing in an Omlet Catio with Freestyle Outdoor cat tree

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Why do cats love lasers?

Cat playing with laser pointer on the floor

Anyone lucky enough to have a feline friend in their life will be able to confirm just how much they love lasers. Mesmerized by a bright beam, the temptation of a laser toy is one no cat can resist. And while chasing a shining, moving ray of light might seem far removed from nature, a cat’s love of lasers couldn’t be more instinctive. We’ll explore the truth behind what makes them so irresistible for felines and how to best meet this need in the home.

Unleash their wild side

However cuddly your cat can be, they are natural hunters, more than capable of killing small mammals, birds and reptiles in the garden. Keeping your cat indoors comes with the bonus of your pet not bringing home their prey, but even by watching them play, their inner natural predator can’t be denied.

A laser pointer toy mimics how a cat would hunt in the wild, with the small red dot acting as fast-moving prey. For a cat, there’s nothing more thrilling than pouncing on their target after a slow, crouched stalk. And for indoor cats especially, a laser toy can satisfy the hunter in them more than other toys.

Play through a cat’s eyes

Cats don’t just love lasers for the fact that they support their primal hunting instincts. Another reason behind cats’ obsession with these darting beams of light is because of how their eyes perceive them. 

What we see as a laser isn’t what they see. Put simply, cats have six to eight times more rod cells in their eyes than humans do. This makes them much better at detecting light at low levels. Cats also have excellent peripheral vision, meaning they’re able to spot lasers from the corner of their eyes.

Feline brain training

Cats need more than just physical exercise. To make sure they stay stimulated, mental exercise is just as important. Playing with a laser not only keeps your feline fit but provides them with the brain training they crave by having to navigate how they can catch their “prey” i.e. the red dot.

Cat lasers and safety

Laser toys don’t come without controversy, with the two biggest concerns surrounding the potential of chasing becoming a compulsive behaviour and the second, being the effect on cats’ eyes. Let’s break it down.

As we’ve explored, cats love to pounce, chase and catch their prey – hence their love for lasers. But while in the wild, their hunting session would end with a well-deserved “reward”, lasers can leave your kitty feeling frustrated. This frustration can lead to an over-excited cat who creates a habit of pouncing on what they shouldn’t (that includes your hands, feet, flickering lights, reflections and other pets). 

There are a few key takeaways here. First of all, stop laser play if you notice your cat’s behaviour change for example if they become distressed or anxious. You should also check the wattage of your cat’s laser toys, ensuring its output is lower than 5 milliwatts. Most importantly, never shine a light directly into your cat’s eyes.

Despite these concerns, the lure of a laser is often too strong for cats and pet parents but what if there was an alternative? A toy that cats love just as much as lasers, or perhaps even more? A toy that supports a cat’s natural desire to chase, pounce and scratch? A toy that allowed cats to play safely, that just happens to be the coolest product ever? Introducing the Switch Cat Scratcher.

Cat looking at the bright lights on the Switch Cat Scratcher

Start the light show

The Switch Cat Scratcher is the cat product you didn’t know you needed…until now. We know how important it is to support our pets’ desires and fulfil their natural needs. Cats need to hunt and cats need to scratch but pet parents also want to know their felines are staying safe during play.

We began by asking, how can tech meet our cats’ natural needs? Can we create a scratching post that gives our cats a brain training, full body workout? This thinking led to the Switch.

With over 1,200 irresistible light modes easily adjusted by remote control, cat owners have full control of how their pets play with the Switch. Control speed, brightness and modes from the couch to connect with your cat in colour. As well as an innovative use of tech, the Switch is a sustainable option, that saves up to 33.5kg of landfill over a cat’s lifespan, with a hard wearing bamboo base and 100% biodegradable sisal sleeves. 20% taller, with anti topple technology to ensure a full, satisfying scratch and meticulous engineering in every detail, it puts all other cat scratchers in the shade.

Omlet cat care

At Omlet, we’re fascinated by how much staying active and entertained benefits our cats, and by what drives their need to hunt and scratch. That’s why we design innovative solutions such as the Switch Cat Scratcher, Freestyle Cat Tree and Maya Indoor Cat House. We’re not just product engineers – first and foremost, we’re animal experts, inventing ways to care better for the pets we love.

Cat surrounded by the pink lights of the Switch Cat Scratcher

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The new cat scratcher with over 1200 light settings

Cat admiring the Switch Cat Scratcher

The future of feline fun has arrived. Since 2004, Omlet has been rethinking every aspect of keeping and caring for cats. And, we’re excited to announce our newest cat creation that will have you painting your interior red, orange, yellow, pink, and green. Meet the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher – a revolutionary cat scratcher with over 1200 light settings that puts all other scratchers in the shade. The Switch Cat Scratcher is more than just a scratching post; it’s a cutting-edge interactive light display that was ingeniously crafted with innovation and precision to give cats the two things they love most – scratching and chasing lights. 

How does it work?

Can a cat scratcher be as fun for people as it is for cats? At Omlet, we not only believe it can, we created it to be that way. With over 1200 remote-controlled interactive lights and ambient light modes, this first-of-its-kind cat scratcher was designed to be as attractive to our eyes as they are to our feline friends.

But how exactly does it work? Developed with our continued commitment to keep our products as sustainable as possible, the natural bamboo base is the backbone behind this sturdy and interactive cat scratcher. Embedded inside the base of the scratcher is the remote operation and LED lights that are meticulously designed to enhance your cat’s scratching experience. And these aren’t just any LEDs – they’re IP75 rated, which in cat terms means prime protection against cat claws.

With just a click of a button on your remote, you can start a light show in your living room that will have you and your cat engaged for hours. Who needs Netflix when you can watch your favourite furry friend chase after colourful, interactive lights. 

Remote control settings on the Switch Cat Scratcher

Why your cat needs the Switch Cat Scratcher

Cats are enigmatic and playful animals who crave scratching. At Omlet, we know that in order to give your cat the perfect feline-friendly scratch experience, we had to create something that would keep their attention long after the initial scratch. The Switch Cat Scratcher transcends the conventional cat scratch session into a multifaceted feline experience.

In nature, cats scratch against tall, sturdy surfaces to keep their claws healthy and to stretch out their muscles. So we designed the Switch Cat Scratcher to be 20% taller than standard cat scratchers, and 50% taller than the average cat, to allow your cat a full body, endorphin-releasing stretch that leaves them feeling relaxed and loose-limbed.

Our designers wrapped the outside of the Switch Cat Scratcher in a strong, 100% biodegradable sisal to mimic the natural textures of the wild, giving your cat the ability to act on their innate instincts from the comfort of your home. The Switch has the necessary height, weight, and vertical grooves to give your cat a long, fluid scratch and full body workout.

But what truly sets the Switch Cat Scratcher apart is its remote-controllable LED lights. Cats are natural hunters and these adjustable lights mimic the elusive movements of their prey, activating their predatory instincts and providing incredible brain-training and mental stimulation. But, the fun doesn’t stop there – the Omlet Switch was crafted to allow you to tailor the play experience to your cat’s specific preferences, keeping them engaged and entertained for a good stretch every time.

Cat surrounded by light from the Switch Cat Scratcher

Switch vs. other scratchers

The Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher redefines feline furnishings with its ingenious, interactive light displays and meticulous engineering in every detail. Here are some of the ways the Switch stands out among all other cat scratchers:

  • Connects in colour: Equipped with 1260 ambient light settings, the Switch is just as much fun for humans as it is for cats. Choose from 12 light programs, 7 colour settings, 3 brightness displays, and 7-speed settings to create the perfect colourful experience for your cat.
  • Another dimension: Standing at 33” tall, the Switch is 20% taller and 50% bigger than regular cat scratchers. This elevated height and scratch field gives your cat a bigger and better cat scratching experience every time.
  • Scratcher with staying power: With the average lifespan of cats being 12-18 years, a new cat scratcher every two years means lots of waste in the landfill. So we made the Switch as sustainable as possible with a 100% biodegradable sisal sleeve and a scratch-proof, hardwearing bamboo base. The Switch is the only cat scratcher you’ll ever need.
  • Strong, silent type: With our unique anti-topple technology, the Switch was created with a lower centre of gravity, giving it more stability than regular cat scratchers. Even the strength of the biggest cat breeds is no match against the sturdy design of the Switch. 
  • Ingeniously engineered: The Switch is more than just a cat scratcher – it’s a boredom buster for you and your cat. With customizable and remote-controlled lights, you can switch off the TV, and switch on the Switch to connect and enjoy quality time with your cat.

Switch and sustainability

As cat owners and pet product designers, we’re committed to creating better, more sustainable options. The Switch Cat Scratcher was designed with sustainability very much in mind. Only the 100% biodegradable sisal sleeves will ever need replacing, whilst 86% of the product will last indefinitely. This means you can save up to 73 lbs of waste from going into the landfill over your cat’s lifespan. 

Will my cat and I be saving the world? Perhaps not, but you’ll be reducing landfill and having a ton of fun. With the Switch you can rest assured that by playing with your cat, you’re playing a part in living sustainably.

Omlet and your cat

At Omlet, we don’t just create products for the pet market, we drive change to make the pet product market better. To do that, we have to move beyond what has already been done and make space for products that work differently, and create magic moments between people and their pets. This thinking led to the Switch Cat Scratcher. So switch off from the routines of the everyday, and switch on a new way of connecting with your cat. You’ll soon wonder what you did without it. So disconnect from the routines of everyday life and connect your cat with a new cat scratching experience that’ll have you both wondering how you ever lived without it. 

Cat looking up at pink and blue lights on the Switch Cat Scratcher

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Cat scratchers and kitten development

Cat and owner playing with the Switch Cat Scratcher

We all know that cats love to scratch – but does your new kitten need a new cat scratcher right away? The answer is a resounding yes! Especially if you want to save your furniture from being frayed by your feline. Cat scratchers are significantly important in nurturing a kitten’s instincts from their playful pawing to their full-grown agility. While an essential cat product, cat scratchers also aid in kitten development with everything from physical exercise to emotional well-being. 

Kittens and scratching

Kittens and scratching – they’re notorious for it. This adorable yet seemingly mischievous behaviour is a vital part of a kitten’s growth and development. From around two weeks of age, kittens might start playfully swatting or pawing at things. But their scratching habits begin to really develop between four to eight weeks when their little claws start to sharpen. 

Scratching isn’t just a sign of an imminent furniture catastrophe; it actually serves several purposes. Firstly, it helps shed the outer sheath of their claws, keeping them sharp and healthy. Secondly, it’s a way for kittens to mark their territory, leaving both a visual mark and a scent from the glands in their paws. It’s an instinctual behaviour that stays with felines from kittenhood to adulthood.

But do kittens scratch more than older cats? Yes, they certainly do. Kittens are a whirlwind of energy, curiosity, and playful exploration. They’re in the prime of their learning phase, so everything is a potential toy or a scratching post. Older cats, on the other hand, might have outgrown some of the exuberant scratching tendencies of their youth and are usually more discerning about where they extend their claws. So, while kittens may be prone to turning your furniture into shredded works of art, with a little training and the right scratching posts, you can save your belongings and nurture your little furball’s scratching instincts without sacrificing the sofa.

Why kittens need a scratching post

Kittens are curious animals and need scratching posts like superheroes need capes. They’re born with an innate need to scratch as a way to ‘feel’ their way through the world and it’s more beneficial (and cost-effective) to give your kitten a scratching post than it is to risk having your sofa become their place to release energy. Without a designated scratching post, your furniture becomes the unwitting victim of a kitten’s claw-sharpening escapades. The consequences? Well, your once-pristine armchair could end up looking like a vintage relic from a clawed civilization.

But with a strong and sturdy scratching post, you can provide an outlet for your kitten’s scratching instincts and a designated spot for them to flex those claws. By giving your kitten a scratching post, you’re not just saving your furniture; you’re paying attention to your feline’s natural instincts and providing them with a satisfying scratching outlet that keeps everyone happy.

The best scratching post for kittens

Introducing the Omlet Switch Cat Scratcher, a satisfying scratching outlet that keeps everyone happy. At Omlet, we don’t settle for standard, but reinvent the status quo to make it remarkable. The Switch is engineered to meet all your kitten’s developmental needs, and create a world of wonder to enthral and entertain them. But what makes this ingeniously designed cat scratcher so perfect for kittens?

Kitten choreography 

Unlike ordinary scratching posts, we designed the Switch with interactive features to help hone your kitten’s coordination through play. We made the Switch taller than any other comparable scratcher to support the necessary exploration and balance your kitten needs as they leap, pounce, and stretch into adulthood. 

Feline fitness

As pet parents, we know that no one knows your kitten’s behaviours better than you. So with that in mind, we created the Switch to be customizable to your favourite feline and their unique traits. With over 1200 built-in and remote controllable LED light settings, the Switch Cat Scratcher is not just a regular scratching post – it’s a disco for kittens, offering a mesmerizing array of colours and patterns that will keep them entertained for hours.

But it’s not just a light show; this scratcher is a developmental powerhouse. Kittens, in their early stages, need stimulation for healthy physical development, and the Switch Scratcher does just that. The interactive lights encourage their natural instincts to play, jump, and scratch, promoting agility and enhanced physical development.

Courageous kitties

What makes the Switch Cat Scratcher stand out like a superstar in the world of kitten scratching? It’s the anti-topple technology, with an inner chamber providing a low centre of gravity. This ingeniously designed scratching post is as stable as a zen master in a windstorm, providing an unwavering base for even the most enthusiastic kitten scratchers. With this stability, kittens can pounce, leap, and scratch without the fear of their playground toppling over, instilling a sense of security and confidence.

Feline intuition

Designed to cater to a kitten’s insatiable curiosity and natural instincts, the Omlet Switch is a haven for budding hunters and scratchers. With its myriad of light settings, it mimics the thrill of the hunt, stimulating their inquisitive minds and activating their playful pounce.

Like cats of all ages, kittens need plenty of mental and physical activity to stay happy and healthy. The Switch nurtures your kitten’s primal instincts and provides them with a world of discovery and exploration that supports their development whilst protecting your furniture.

Omlet and your kitten

With innovations like the Switch Cat Scratcher, we understand the importance of nurturing kittens from an early age. Our range of remarkable products is engineered to foster a deep, engaging relationship with your furry friends from their earliest days. From interactive scratchers to cosy cat beds and snuggly cat blankets, Omlet’s creations are a roadmap for kittenhood, supporting them and you as you navigate these precious, early stages together and fostering bonds to last a lifetime.

Cat looking at the Switch Scratching Post with blue lights

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Best cat beds for every feline

cat sleeping on red bolster cat bed

The best cat beds offer a level of comfort to rival a human mattress. But, with no cat being identical, finding a bed that’s right for all ages, breeds, sizes and personalities can be quite the task. Luckily for our feline friends, Omlet has had years of experience not only as pet lovers, but as expert product designers, who have carefully calculated the formula for creating the perfect cat bed.

How to choose the best bed for your cat

When choosing the best bed for your cat, there are a few things you should consider.

  • Size – One size certainly doesn’t fit all. That’s why Omlet’s Bolster Cat Bed is available in two sizes, with the larger bed suitable for bigger breeds or for those in multi-cat households who enjoy cuddling up together.
  • Comfort – Sinking into a super soft plush bed that feels like floating on a cloud, or peacefully snoozing on a dreamy memory foam mattress with bolstered support for undisturbed sleep? We think both options sound great. Comfort is number one when it comes to cat beds, which is why we created the Maya Donut Cat Bed and Bolster Cat Bed. Both offer superior levels of comfort, with options to suit different feline sleep styles. 
  • Style – Comfort is key, but cool cats need stylish beds to suit, of course. Both of Omlet’s cat bed designs are available in a range of over 30 striking or subtle shades to best suit your home. The stunning Ruby Red in the Maya Donut Cat Bed adds a bold pop of colour to any room, or, if you prefer a more neutral look, why not opt for the calming Stone Grey Bolster Cat Bed?
  • Privacy – Fiery feline or mysterious moggy, every cat deserves a space to call their own. Where you decide to put your cat’s bed is up to you, but placing it in an enclosed space such as the Maya Indoor Cat House is a great way to create the ultimate naptime nest. 

Best cat beds for small and large felines

Lithe and little or stately and statuesque, your cat’s bed should be suited to the size of your cat. Whilst the vast majority of cats will fit on the small-size Bolster Cat Bed, we also know that some cats need that extra bit of space for wiggle and stretching room. 

Whilst not an exhaustive list of larger cat breeds, the Maine Coon, Ragdoll and Siberian for example, will benefit from a bigger bed such as the medium-sized Bolster Cat Bed. With a high-performance, memory foam mattress, the bed is able to withstand any additional weight, whilst helping them to relax their muscles. This is especially important for overweight cats, who are more prone to muscle and joint complications. You can read more about keeping your cat at a healthy weight in our How can I make my lazy cat exercise? blog.

For smaller cat breeds such as the munchkin and American curl, we recommend the small Bolster Cat Bed.

Best cat beds for kittens

We all know kittens are undeniably cute and lots of fun. They absolutely love to play, and spend their early days constantly causing mischief! And after a long day with their favourite toys and cat scratcher, a great cat bed is a number one kitten essential for catching up on some precious ZZZs. In fact, kittens can sleep for up to 20 hours a day, so finding a bed to support their hours of napping is essential.

The Maya Donut Cat Bed is perfect for growing kittens, with the plump cushion able to hold its shape for many years to come. Kittens are also prone to becoming more cold as the temperature drops. The Maya Donut Cat Bed is ideal, with its faux fur cover to keep felines snug. You can even add a Luxury Sheepskin Cat Blanket on top of the bed for those chilly winter nights.

Best cat beds for older pets

We all need a bit of extra support as we age – and the same goes for our pets. Getting in and out of bed can become a chore for senior cats who may suffer from joint problems and arthritis, which is far from ideal, considering they too like to clock in up to 20 hours of shuteye every day. 

A cat bed with slightly raised feet can help though, providing easier access to their sleeping space. Both the Maya Donut Cat Bed and Bolster Cat Bed are available with a range of stylish feet to complement the bed’s cover and your home. Already got a Maya Donut Bed but purchased it without feet? You can shop feet for your Donut Cat Bed, which can easily be attached using our cat bed feet frame.

Best bed to calm your anxious cat

Cats can become anxious for many reasons, a lot of which are fairly commonplace. Since most don’t adapt to change well, having to move to a new environment, for example, can even be enough to trigger a cat’s anxiety. Hiding, freezing, or using the toilet outside of their cat litter box are all common symptoms of an anxious cat. If the behaviour continues for a prolonged period of time, contact your veterinarian for advice. In the meantime though, there are some things you, as an owner, can do. 

Offering them a cosy and enclosed bed can help. The Maya Donut Cat Bed is great for cats with anxiety, providing them a sense of security with raised edges to make them feel safe. Position your cat’s bed in the Maya Indoor Cat House for even more privacy, where your anxious cat can have their own space, away from the hustle and bustle of the home.

Cat care with Omlet

Caring for your cat has never been easier than with Omlet’s range of products. From our customisable cat beds, to our sustainable cat scratchers, Catio, and odour-control Maya Cat Litter Box Furniture, Omlet is your one-stop shop to meet every cat’s need, with ingenious designs that make looking after them even more instinctive and rewarding.

Kitten stood on Maya Donut Cat Bed Buttercup Yellow

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