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6 must-have cat products for summer

Cat in hammock in Omlet outdoor Freestyle cat tree in Catio

Summer is fast approaching and with warmer weather comes the opportunity to find ways to keep your cat happily entertained and healthy. Omlet wants to take the curiosity out of the hunt for fabulous feline finds, so we put together our list of 6 must-have cat products for summer so you can spend more time soaking up the sun and having fun with your furry friend.

Do cats enjoy summer?

Cats have different preferences when it comes to seasons, and their enjoyment of summer can vary among cat breeds. When the temperatures rise, humans sweat, dogs pant, and cats can generally be found seeking out warm spots to sunbathe. But not all cats love the sun-soaked sections of the window sill in summer. For long-haired or flat-nosed breeds, such as the Persian and Scottish Fold, the heat can be something they struggle with instead of enjoy.

However, whether your cat loves the sun or loathes the heat, it’s important to remember that all cats are sensitive to high temperatures. Excessive exposure to heat can cause dangerous overheating or worse, the need for medical attention from the vet. So it’s essential to provide your cat with ample shade, fresh water, and a cool environment so they can stay healthy all summer long.

Your cat’s 6 summer essentials

1. Catio

Have you ever watched a cat immerse themselves in the warmth of natural sunlight and the fresh scents of summer air? It’s magical to watch. But what’s better than watching your cat enjoy summer is the ability to spend time with them in the great outdoors. And with the Omlet Outdoor Catio Enclosure, you can do just that.

Spend more time outdoors this summer getting curious alongside your indoor cat as you both relax and enjoy the warmth of summer. Whether your outdoor space is a small balcony or a spacious backyard, the Omlet Catio can be customized to suit your cat’s outdoor needs in a safe and secure environment. Summer fun with the family should include your furry feline friend and the Catio makes that possible.

2. Catio weather protection

It won’t take long for your indoor cat to fall in love with the freedom of exploring the outdoors that the Catio offers. But how do you make sure they don’t get too hot when the summer temperatures rise? Introducing the Catio Run Covers – shade covers for your sun lovers.

It’s never been easier to keep your cat sheltered and dry during their outdoor summer adventures. The easy-to-attach hooks make installation a breeze and the dark green color will blend seamlessly into your natural exterior making the cat enclosure a beautiful addition to any outdoor space.

3. Outdoor cat tree

Ready to take your cat’s summer outdoor space to the next level? Personalize your cat’s experience with the one-of-a-kind Outdoor Freestyle cat tree, designed by Omlet. Created with a cat’s innate desire to climb in mind, we engineered this outdoor cat tree to be completely customizable for the activities your cat loves the most. And the best part – it can fit into any Catio of any size for ultimate summer fun.

Have a cat that likes to keep an eye on things from a lookout? Add a viewing platform for high-top happiness. Or if your cat is more of a lazy lounger, the hammock accessory will satisfy their summer snooze fests perfectly. No matter how you customize your cat’s outdoor cat tree, there’s one thing for sure – it will allow more bonding time for you to spend with your favorite feline.

4. Cooling mat

When the hot summer sun becomes unbearable, a cooling mat is the perfect solution to help your cat beat the heat. The Omlet Ultra Comfy Cooling Mats are designed to keep your cat cool all summer long while making sure their comfort isn’t neglected. Engineered to allow the body heat of your cat to be absorbed and create the cooling effect, these ingenious mats don’t require any electricity or refrigeration to work.

So lay one down in a designated ‘cool room’ for your cat to relax on, or place it directly in their cat bed so every nap is nice and cool. Providing your cat with a cool place to rest when it’s hot outside will help prevent overheating and discomfort during the hot summer days.

Ragdoll cat relaxing on Omlet Cooling Mat for cats

5. Cat scratching post

Summer can be a time of increased activity and play for your cat. And keeping your cat mentally and physically stimulated isn’t just reserved for the outdoors. So when it gets too hot outside, bring the fun inside. Keep your feline friend fully engaged this summer with a cat scratching post that challenges their natural instincts and keeps your furniture safe from scratch marks. Your cat will love the boredom buster fun of scratching and you will love how it helps maintain their health and well-being.

6. High-quality food water bowl

Staying hydrated is crucial for cats, especially during the summer when dehydration can set in more easily. That’s why a high-quality cat water bowl is an essential product to have both indoors and outdoors to ensure your cat has access to clean and refreshing water all summer long. This cat bowl from Omlet is a great option because it’s sturdy enough to not be tipped over and the sleek design looks great in any room.

Omlet and keeping your cat cool

Summer should be a time of joy and comfort for both you and your feline companion. At Omlet, we design our products to ensure your cat stays comfortable and connected to you no matter the season. From catios to cooling mats to outdoor cat trees, we innovate solutions to beat the summer heat. Prioritize your cat’s well-being with these products so you can spend the summer doing more of what you both love – comfortably enjoying the refreshing season together.

Two cats playing in an Omlet Catio with Freestyle Outdoor cat tree

This entry was posted in Cats

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