The Omlet Blog

Apple and Cinnamon Dog Cookies Recipe

These delicious Apple and Cinnamon Dog Cookies are a great Christmas treat for your pooch this festive season, and they’re healthy!

Makes 10 cookies

70g coconut flour
1 egg
3 teaspoons of coconut oil
Pinch of cinnamon
1 apple (grated)

And a cookie cutter

180 C for 15 minutes
(160 C fan assisted or gas mark 4)

  1. Preheat the oven to 160c and prepare a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Heat 3 teaspoons of coconut oil in a bowl in the microwave for 1 minute, or until soft.
  3. Mix together the egg, coconut oil in a bowl.
  4. Grate 1 apple into the bowl and mix.
  5. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the mix.
  6. Weigh out 70g of coconut flour into a separate bowl, and start to add a bit of flour at a time to the wet mixture, stirring as you go.
  7. Continue adding coconut flour and mixing until you get a dough like consistency. You may not need to use all the flour to achieve this. The texture will be sticky and slightly crumbly.
  8. Dust some coconut flour onto a clean surface and place the dough on top.
  9. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin or your hands until it is approximately 1 cm thick
  10. Use a small cookie cutter (approx 5cm diameter) to press out shapes in the dough and place them onto the baking tray. Handle these carefully as the dough can be fragile due to the lack of fat in the recipe (too much fat is unhealthy for dogs!)
  11. Once all the dough has been used and the cookies are all placed on the baking tray, place them in the oven for approximately 15 minutes, keeping an eye that they do not burn.
  12. Take them out the oven and leave to cool, at this point they will firm up a bit more, so handle carefully.
  13. Once cool, store in a cool dry place, and treat your dog to a delicious cookie!

Health Benefits

  • Coconut flour is gluten free, perfect for dogs who suffer an intolerance of wheat. It’s also low in sugar and high in protein, fibre, and healthy fats.
  • In small quantities, coconut oil can promote a healthy coat, improve digestion and assist the immune system.
  • Eggs are also great for extra protein in your dog’s diet
  • Did you know, cinnamon can be incredibly helpful for senior dogs who are suffering with arthritis? Adding a small amount to your dog’s diet can be incredibly beneficial.
  • Apples are a source of Vitamin A and C so make a great, healthy treat for your dog, but don’t feed them the core when you have finished grating the apple, as the seeds are harmful.

As always, treats should be given to dogs alongside a healthy balanced diet, and do not feed them too many at a time.

We’d love to see your photos of this cookie recipe, tag us on Instagram using #OmletPets.



This entry was posted in Dogs

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