The Omlet Blog

How to create more space for your rabbits

Rabbit using Omlet Outdoor Rabbit Run

Bunnies were built to bounce, and in their natural habitat can even reach a super speedy 45mph! Whilst your domesticated floppy-eared pets don’t move as quickly as their friends in the wild, they still need to be provided with an exercise routine. We’re not talking rabbit aerobics or bunny boot camp, but by expanding their living space, you can help your bunnies to stay physically and mentally stimulated. Unsure of how you can offer your rabbits more room to stretch their legs? Let’s hop to it!

Run rabbit run

Your gym bunnies need space to keep on top of their workout routine! Whilst a good hutch like the Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch is great for keeping your rabbits protected from backyard predators and the elements, providing them with an outdoor rabbit run offers them the additional space they desire. 

You can extend your Omlet Outdoor Rabbit Run at any time should you need to create even more room for your active rabbits. It has a full height stable door, meaning easy access for you to interact and bond with your bunnies. 

Alternatively, add a run up to 13ft to your Eglu Go Rabbit Hutch, perfect for children to get up close to their pet in the backyard. And since evidence suggests that rabbits that bond with their owners live longer and happier lives, enjoying quality time with your bunnies is even more important than once thought. 

What if you could give your rabbits the warren their instincts demand with no digging in the backyard? Our product designers once thought the same, which is why we made the Zippi Rabbit Tunnel System! Simply attach the tunnel to your hutch and provide your rabbits with a safe and secure route to their exercise space whenever they want!  

Hop on in!

If your bunnies live inside all year round, then a playpen is ideal. Whilst bunny-proofing your home is a given for those keeping indoor rabbits, allowing them free range of the house at all times isn’t always an option. The solution? An indoor rabbit playpen! Fencing off an area with a large indoor rabbit playpen is ideal for creating more space for your pets for those times when they’re not wandering through the house, whilst you can be assured they are in a safe, confined area. You can also accessorize your indoor run using Omlet’s play tunnels – designed by our genius product designers to mimic their natural instinct to burrow! 

White rabbit using Omlet Zippi Rabbit Tunnel System

Upgrade to a 2-storey apartment 

What if your rabbits could see the world from our perspective? Rabbits significantly benefit from having an additional floor in their enclosure, so upgrading their home, and creating vertical space for your bunnies will give them a new outlook on the world. And now that you’ll almost be face to face with your rabbits, platforms allow you to interact with your pets at an even closer level! Use Omlet’s Zippi Rabbit Platforms in your rabbits’ run to give them their own bunny adventure playground – perfect for pets who live in a smaller space. Platforms are also great for strengthening your rabbits’ muscles. A fit bunny is a happy bunny, and just like us, exercise is fantastic for improving their mental well-being. Since these animals are nervous by nature, a regular fitness routine helps to take the edge off, as well as being a brilliant boredom buster. 

Creating more space for your rabbits is one key to successfully having your bunnies live hop-pily ever after! After more advice on enriching your rabbits’ environment? Take a read of our How to Make Your Rabbit Happy blog.

Rabbit in green Zippi Shelter on Omlet Rabbit Run Platforms

This entry was posted in Rabbits

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