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How to choose the right chickens for you

Little girl collecting eggs from the chickens in the Omlet Eglu Pro

So, you’ve decided keeping chickens is a good fit for your lifestyle, but have you decided on what kind of chickens to keep? Chickens come in a variety of sizes and colours, with different breeds offering unique traits. Dive into the world of chickens, and discover how to choose the right chickens for you

Which chickens are best for me? 

Different breeds of chickens offer different advantages, so choosing the right chickens for you depends largely on your family and lifestyle, along with your climate and amount of space available. There’s not a one-size-fits-all option, but many types of chickens can be kept by anyone just about anywhere. And, no matter which type of chickens you choose, remember that all flocks need a weather-proof chicken coop and a space to call their own – whether it be in a chicken run, chicken fencing, or safe area to free-range. 

Best breeds for children 

Some breeds of chickens are known for their sweet and docile dispositions, which make them a favourite among children. Each chicken’s personality isn’t guaranteed no matter their breed, but some are known to be easier to tame and handle than others. Here are the most common chicken breeds for children

Best breeds for small spaces 

Size may be of concern for some people, but some chickens are found in miniature form. The breeds listed are “true bantams”, meaning they don’t have a full-size counterpart, but some full-size breeds have bantam versions. These compact breeds are perfect for smaller spaces, but still have big personalities to share with their keepers:  

Best breeds for free-ranging 

Some chickens are more voracious foragers than others. These breeds can do well in a large chicken run, but they need plenty of space to satisfy their wanderlust. They’re also large and nimble enough to evade several chicken predators, making these a good choice for open spaces: 

How to choose the right chickens for you - boy collecting eggs from Eglu Cube

Best breeds for egg production 

Good egg laying breeds can produce upwards of 250 eggs per year. These breeds are known to produce eggs year round, and well into their older years. If you’re looking to supply your family with fresh eggs, look no further than these egg-laying superstars: 

Best breeds for egg colour 

All hens lay eggs, but some can diversify your egg basket in beautiful ways. White and brown eggs are still beautiful, but if you’re looking for pops of colour, you may be interested in adding a breed that lays pigmented eggs. From blue and green, to shades of cream and pink, here are the breeds that lay colourful eggs

Blue eggs: 

Green eggs: 

  • Easter Egger
  • Favaucana 
  • Swedish Isbar
  • Olive Egger (Maran/Ameraucana crosses)
  • Whiting True Green

Cream or pink eggs

Brown eggs: 

White eggs: 

Best breeds for warm climates 

Not all chickens can withstand the heat. In fact, most breeds fare better in the cold than in the heat, but some have natural traits that help them cope with scorching summers better than others. Large combs and light body weights are characteristics that help hens in the hot weather, which are standard features in these breeds: 

Best breeds for cold climates 

Most chickens fare just fine in the cold, but just as some breeds are better equipped to handle the heat, some are more cold-hardy. Small combs aren’t as subject to frostbite, heavier builds add insulation, and feathered legs offer extra protection from the cold air. These are some breeds that are built for the cold: 

Chickens that require a little extra care

Generally speaking, chickens are easy to take care of. They won’t overeat, so their feed can be left out at all times, and as long as they have access to fresh water, they’ll slake their thirst when the need arises. But some breeds may require a little extra attention than others.

Ornamental chickens have feathers that can get muddy or caked in debris. These breeds include: 

The feathering of these breeds can also make them more susceptible to extreme temperatures, which is especially true for Frizzles and Silkies. This is because their fluffy feathers don’t help them regulate their body temperature as well as their sleek-feathered friends. If you live in a climate that experiences extreme temperatures, or if your property has a tendency to get extremely muddy, you might want to consider other breeds. 

Omlet and your chickens 

No matter which chickens you choose, they’ll be fortunate to have an owner that puts in the research to give them the best possible home. By housing your hens in safe chicken coops, spacious chicken runs, and providing them with one-of-a-kind chicken toys and accessories, you’ll be your flock’s favourite person. By providing for their basic needs, and then some, you’ll build a bond with your birds that will span a lifetime. 

Choose the best chickens for you - Girl sat with free range chickens outside of the Eglu Cube


This entry was posted in Chickens

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