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Bringing your dog to work?

Dog in an office sat in a chair

Did you know that having dogs in the office has been shown to boost morale, with employees who come into contact with dogs at work having higher job satisfaction than average? Bringing your dog to work can also reduce stress levels, and stroking a dog can lower both your heart rate and your blood pressure. In Australia, National Take Your Dog to Work Day is celebrated on the last Friday of June. So, if you’ve been given the go-ahead from your workplace, keep reading to make sure your pup’s day at the office goes smoothly.

Is your dog ready?

Bringing your dog to work may seem exciting, but before making concrete plans, be sure to put their needs first and assess whether they’re truly ready. Not all dogs are suited for a full day in the office, and to make sure you both enjoy it, you’ll need to consider a few factors.

First, think about their temperament. If your dog becomes anxious and overwhelmed in new settings, then the buzz of a busy office all day won’t be the best place for them. Or perhaps they love being sociable and exploring new places. That’s a great start, but you should ensure their basic dog training is up to scratch so that they can keep calm and not disrupt your or your colleagues’ day at work. 

Preparation is key

If you’ve decided that your dog is workplace-ready, then it’s time to begin thinking about what you’ll need to take with you for the day. If your dog is crate trained, be sure to bring their dog crate along with you. This will offer them somewhere safe, secure, and familiar they can retreat to, should they want some alone time. Similarly, you should pack their dog bed as a reminder of home and a comfy spot for them to get some rest on. 

Dog water and food bowls are also essential, and don’t forget the treats! Plus, puzzle toys like Kongs are great for keeping your dog occupied while you make a phone call or need to be focusing on work.

How do your colleagues feel?

Even if you’re confident that your dog won’t cause any problems around the office, you might have colleagues who are afraid of or allergic to dogs. It’s your responsibility to speak to people in the workplace to find out any reservations and make accommodations to suit. 

Compromise goes a long way

Don’t feel overly pressured to bring your dog in on the day that National Take Your Dog to Work Day falls. It might be a case that you have too many meetings on that day, or you know you’ll be working overtime. If you’ll be unable to meet the needs of your pup then there’s nothing wrong with rearranging. Speak to your colleagues about a better day to suit everyone and their dogs so that the occasion can be as stress-free as possible for everyone.

Make time for walkies

It’s a good idea to get your four-legged friend out on a long dog walk before bringing them to the office. This way, they’ll have had time to exert some of their energy, and should hopefully be okay for a few hours without a toilet break.

During the day, you’ll want to make sure you have time during your lunch break to get your dog out on another walk, plus a few shorter breaks for them to stretch their legs. A walk at lunchtime will benefit you as well as getting some fresh air will improve both your mood and your productivity. Don’t forget a matching designer dog collar and lead set when you’re heading out too, so that you can celebrate the day in style!

What’s your plan B?

You know your dog, but a new environment might cause them to react in a way unlike their usual self. Barking or altercations with other dogs can be stressful for everyone involved (two and four-legged!), so make sure you have a backup plan before the day begins. Perhaps you’re able to take your dog home, or maybe there’s a spare meeting room the two of you can retreat to. Communicate with the organiser of the event to see what options are available.

Also, keep an eye out for any sign that your dog is stressed or anxious. These include panting, licking their lips and yawning to name a few. 

Omlet and your dog

Bringing your dog to work can be a great day for both you and your pet but you definitely don’t want them to be a reason your colleagues start to get annoyed with you. Ultimately, preparing your dog and taking full responsibility is key and with the help of Omlet dog products such as dog crates and dog beds, your furry friend’s day out can be made even better.

Dog lying on yellow beanbag topper on Omlet Topology dog bed


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